Liver regeneration: Important for all people

When most people think of a liver problem, they think of alcohol abuse. Therefore, a non-alcoholic often assumes that their liver is healthy. Not even close. We breathe in toxins every day, we eat them with food (pesticides, aflatoxins, etc.) and we ingest them through medication. All of this puts a strain on the liver in addition to today’s often unfavorable diet.

Promote liver regeneration

The liver is one of the most important organs in our body. Measures that promote the regeneration of the liver are therefore extremely useful at regular intervals – which is particularly evident when you consider all the tasks and areas of responsibility of the liver:

The liver is the junction of almost every part of the body. Everything that enters the body also passes through the liver and it is the liver that ultimately decides what is good for the body and what is bad for it. For example, all food components first reach the liver after being metabolized from the intestine. There they are processed according to the individual needs of the body so that they can then be forwarded to the relevant organs if required.

The liver can store up to a certain amount of nutrients and vital substances that are not required immediately in order to have supplies for later times. The liver also produces the bile needed for digestion, which it delivers to the gallbladder. Since the liver is also the No. 1 detoxification organ, it breaks down toxins and ensures that they cannot burden the organism.

This is how the liver detoxifies

Along with the nutrients, the toxins they contain also reach the liver. Furthermore, those toxins that are absorbed through the lungs and skin also travel straight to the liver through the blood.

This has excellent defense mechanisms with which it can detoxify harmful substances. With the help of special enzymes, she can render them harmless and – via the intestines or the kidneys – eliminate them, around the clock.

When the toxic substances are broken down, strong cell toxins are produced, which can also damage the liver cells themselves. But here, too, the uniqueness of this organ becomes clear again, because the liver has a strong ability to regenerate. It can even regenerate if a part is removed from it, e.g. to transplant another person as a liver replacement.

The liver is often overloaded

The number of toxins that have to be filtered out of the blood by the liver cells every day has been increasing continuously for decades. In addition to the body’s own toxins, stimulants such as alcohol, nicotine and drugs as well as pharmaceuticals of all kinds put an enormous strain on the liver.

In addition, there are intestinal problems such as flatulence that produces toxic gases, pesticides in food, fungal toxins such as aflatoxins, environmental pollutants, heavy metals in drinking water, mercury in teeth and an unhealthy diet high in sugar, fat, meat and harmful food additives. At the same time, modern nutrition lacks fruit and vegetables and thus vital substances that would help the liver to fulfill its tasks.

When the liver is overwhelmed by this situation, it begins to weaken and can no longer perform its important tasks. Fatty liver also often develops , which can lead to diabetes and heart disease.

Signs of liver damage

There are no nerve fibers inside the liver, so the liver cannot express its overload in the form of pain. Therefore, the pain of the liver passes silently for a long time. Only later does pressure appear in the upper right abdomen. Of course, this fact makes it difficult to detect liver damage and take appropriate countermeasures.

The result of a weakened liver is primarily a weakened, tired and low-energy individual suffering from indigestion and/or chronic itching. Other signs that may indicate liver overload, albeit already massive, are the following:

  1. crimson, so-called strawberry tongue
  2. frequent nosebleeds
  3. excessive sweating
  4. dark urine
  5. small red dots the size of a pinhead that appear and disappear at irregular intervals on different parts of the body
  6. yellow discoloration of the skin
  7. Yellowish discoloration in the white of the eye
  8. Swellings between the eyebrows
  9. Bouts of fever and malaise on hot summer days
  10. loss of appetite
  11. difficulty concentrating

Of course, not all of these symptoms always and exclusively have to do with liver damage. However, it is very unlikely that the liver is not ALSO involved in complaints of this type. To be on the safe side, you should check with your practitioner if you experience any symptoms described, to clarify.

Now, at the latest, it is time to give the liver the support it needs for regeneration. The very good news is that the liver can recover even if it is already severely damaged.

Help your liver regenerate

The liver is an extremely regenerative organ. Even if half of the liver were severely damaged, it could regenerate completely – of course only if the damaging factors are avoided in the future.

The sooner you are willing to consciously relieve your liver and support it in building up its cells in a natural way, the faster your entire body will benefit from the effects of your liver-friendly measures.

This is how you relieve your liver

  1. Organic food: When buying your food, make sure that it is not contaminated with pesticides. Organically grown foods are the best choice.
  2. Clean fruit and vegetables thoroughly: Conventionally grown fruit and vegetables should be cleaned thoroughly. If you want to make your own cleaning agent, you will find the instructions at the end of this text.
  3. Avoid ready meals: Do not buy conventional ready meals because they contain inferior fat and sugar additives in addition to many synthetic additives. These ingredients, consumed in large amounts, can also impair liver regeneration. If you occasionally want to use ready meals, choose organic products.
  4. Zero Alcohol: Avoid alcohol consistently. Even small amounts affect your liver, especially when it is in the regeneration phase.
  5. Pure water: Filter your tap water with an efficient water filter. Or use non-carbonated mineral water for cooking.
  6. Organic cleaning agents: Only use ecological household cleaning agents, because the chemical vapors from conventional products enter the body through breathing. Other chemical substances contained therein are absorbed through the skin.
  7. Natural cosmetics: For the same reason, buy products that are natural for cleaning and caring for your skin and hair.

Carrying out the measures listed above will not only noticeably relieve your liver. Overall, you will feel significantly better, freer and more productive.

While the above points ensure that your liver is protected from toxins as best as possible in the future, you can use the following measures to provide your liver with everything it needs for successful regeneration:

Eat healthy and plant-based

Eat a healthy and plant-based diet, so pay particular attention to an adequate intake of fresh, nutritious foods (fruit, vegetables, salads, sprouts, etc.).

Enjoy green smoothies

Prepare a green smoothie (herbs or green leafy vegetables mixed with fruit) every day. In particular, the high chlorophyll content of the herbs and green vegetables used and the effective antioxidant potential of the vital substances massively support the liver in detoxification and regeneration. Alternatively, you can add drops of pure chlorophyll to your water or juice, or even salad dressing.

Chew well

Do not eat large amounts at once, but get used to smaller portions so that the liver is not overwhelmed. Also, chew thoroughly. This improves your digestion and therefore liver health.

Drink enough water

Drink around 2.5 liters (or 50 ml per kilogram of body weight) of good quality still water daily so that some of the toxic substances can also be excreted through the kidneys.

Choose quality supplements

Optimize your diet with an additional supply of vital substances through high-quality food supplements. e.g. the chlorella algae has – in addition to its nutrients and vital substances – also a certain binding capacity for heavy metals. This property makes it an ideal component specifically for liver regeneration ( 1 , 2 ).

Use herbs for your liver

Herbs like milk thistle, artichoke, and dandelion have historically been known for their liver-protecting properties ( 3 ) ( 4 ) ( 5 ) ( 6 ). Dandelion in particular can be integrated into meals every day (smoothies, salads, soups, etc.).

Milk thistle should be chosen in the form of high-dose preparations in order to achieve an effective dose of its active ingredients (silymarin). Artichoke is available in the form of fresh plant juice, which can be taken several times a day.

In addition, special herbal mixtures are designed to effectively support the liver in its detoxifying activity. In this way, the liver is relieved and strengthened at the same time. Products of this type are available as dietary supplements for liver strengthening or liver regeneration, e.g. Liver health by Global healing.

Choline for the liver

In addition to the medicinal plants mentioned, choline is also an important substance for the liver. Because a choline deficiency can promote the development of fatty liver.

Capsaicin from chilies

Capsaicin is the hot-tasting substance found in chili peppers. In tests, capsaicin was shown to be a great liver protector, which could protect the liver from damage caused by hepatotoxic substances ( 7 , 8 ).

Even with hepatic fibrosis (progressive scarring of liver tissue that can lead to cirrhosis and cancer), capsaicin has been able to help and while not correcting the fibrosis, it has prevented it from progressing, so it may not progress to cancer. Capsaicin can be taken very easily via capsules or naturally via spicy food, e.g. Indian or Asian recipes spiced with chili. Or you prepare a chili pesto and eat it every day.

Bitter substances activate the liver’s functions

Bitter substances are those secondary plant substances that the liver is particularly happy about. They ensure a healthy flow of bile, regulate the acid-base balance and activate the liver functions from the ground up. Bitter substances are taken in the form of herbal bitters, bitter elixirs (e.g. Swedish bitter alcohol-free), bitter plant powders (e.g. dandelion powder) or bitter plant extracts (e.g. dandelion root extract).

Antioxidants protect the liver

Taking antioxidants (e.g. glutathione ( 9 ), astaxanthin ( 10 ), OPC ( 11 ) or similar) also makes an important contribution to protecting the liver. All liver-damaging toxins generate large numbers of free radicals, which can be neutralized by taking extra amounts of antioxidants. This measure also enables the liver cells to regenerate more quickly.

Probiotics are important for gut health

There is a strong link between gut health and liver performance ( 12 , 13 ). Scientists have now found that taking probiotics can even help break down fatty liver.

Probiotics can be taken on their own. However, they can also be used as part of a colon cleansing program.

Because: The healthier and cleaner the intestine, the less toxins get into the liver and the better the liver is doing.


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