Chronic Constipation: What Helps?

People often think they can’t do much for chronic constipation. But your digestion can usually be stimulated again with a tailor-made treatment.

People with constipation often downplay their problem and even feel ashamed of it. But there can be no question of guilt. And the fact that you ‘just have to live healthier in order to get the problem under control is simply not true for many of those affected.

Do not be afraid of supplements if you are constipated

The view that chronic constipation is an independent clinical picture and not just a disorder is becoming more and more popular. It was not until 2013 that a group of experts developed recommendations for the treatment of chronic constipation. Those who cannot cope on their own should seek professional help.

Chronic constipation is one of the most common health disorders. Ten to twenty percent of Australians are affected, women more often than men.
Older people are more likely to have this problem. As we get older, the intestines become more sluggish. Sometimes diseases such as diabetes or Parkinson’s are to blame. And it is not uncommon for it to be a side effect of certain medications.

We have to ask many questions before we decide how to treat this. First of all, how long have you had this? Do you have any other complaints? If constipation came suddenly and at the same time as a severe stomach ache, you should see a doctor. Even if constipation comes with blood in the stool, fever and unintentional weight loss in the past few weeks, we recommend going to a doctor for clarification.

Fruit, exercise, water

However, there are a few general tips: keep moving, eat a lot of vegetables and fruit and whole-grain (no gluten). Drink two and a half litres a day unless you have heart and kidney problems (in which case consult your doctor). Even if adopting the lifestyle alone does not solve the problem, it makes sense as a supportive measure. However, we also know today that most people with chronic constipation actually do everything right. Targeted therapy is all the more important.

Careful diagnosis

What many do not know: There are several forms of chronic constipation, which also have to be treated differently.

It can be as simple as ‘lifestyle’ constipation or not enough liquid and in the worst-case scenario a tumour blocking the passage of stool.
There could be also a passage disruption caused by a sluggish bowel, or an emptying disorder, for example as a result of a malfunction of the sphincter.

How often do you go to the bathroom?
Until recently, doctors only measured the disease by the answer to this question. Less than every third day was considered pathological. However, many patients torment themselves regardless of the frequency of bowel movements. Ideally, you want to go at least once a day. But if you have lumpy, hard stools, have to press or help with your finger, or do not feel empty afterwards you are also considered to have constipation.

Some drugs have a constipating effect

The search for clues also includes the question of medication. Pain patients who take opiates are often given a prescription for a laxative. Some antidepressants also have a constipating effect, here a change to another drug can be the solution. With blood pressure medication you can switch to a different group of active substances.

A sluggish bowel can be helped with fiber or magnesium oxide. In the case of soiling disorder, pelvic floor training against a malfunction of the sphincter or toilet training against pressing can also help. Suppositories made out of coconut oil can also help to soften the stool.

Psyllium husks is excellent for all forms of constipation. The soluble fiber makes the stool soft. We often hear “I’ve already tried it, but it didn’t work,”. “You have to start with just 1/2 teaspoon and increase very slowly to give your body a chance to get used to it and incorporate psyllium husks firmly into your diet, 2x per day and drink enough with it to achieve an effect.”

Laxatives: It depends …..

If that is not enough, laxatives in the narrower sense are used according to the treatment scheme. Small amounts of cascara or senna for short periods (2 days) are ok as to not make your bowels dependent.
Buckthorn bark, rhubarb root, senna leaves and fruits are considered medicinal plants, but the active ingredient content of the finished tea can be so high that it causes diarrhea. Even so these are natural ingredients, they can be very harsh on your system.
When using a laxative you should ensure that your stool is soft but well-formed. It shows that the dose is correct.
Better is OXY Powder, which is magnesium oxide-based, doesn’t make your bowels dependent and is designed to retrain your bowels.

Patients also need to understand that only a full bowel can empty. You can’t eat for 10 cents and expect to poop for a dollar.
A laxative can empty your bowel particularly thoroughly. Therefore, it can take longer until you “have to go” again.

Constipation: Treatment takes time

The right product, the right dose, at the right time. Finding what works for you is often a lengthy process. Once the cause has been clarified, treatment is possible in the long term.

The longer you have the problem, the longer it will take to rectify it.

Colonics are an excellent way to support you on your journey to a regular bowel.


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