Acupuncture is a form of recognised medicine throughout the world and a key component of traditional Chinese medicine. Thin needles are inserted into the body at acupuncture points or meridians. Many practitioners believe that our life force energy (qi) flows through these meridians and blockage in these areas can lead to detrimental effects to our health and well being.
Acupuncture is said to stimulate and activate the free flow of our life force energy which in turn assists biological function in the body. Primarily by stimulating and regulating the harmonious energetic balance of the body.
Treatments protocols for healing different maladies varies, depending on the nature and severity of the illness. It is commonly used for pain relief as well as a wide range of other conditions including; allergies, headache, digestive controls, high blood pressure and many other ailments and maladies.

Acupressure is a healing modality based on Acupuncture. The difference being that pressure instead of puncture is being applied to the meridians or acupressure points.

Underpinning this ancient healing modality is the idea that the state of our physical body directly reflects how we feel. That the physical body can not be separated from the mind and that as we experience the world, we store memories of those experiences in our bodies. That in order to achieve optimum health we need to release any past experiences, memories or feelings that cause blockages in the meridians of our bodies.
The Shiatsu practitioner assists patients in achieving this release through a series of techniques designed to ease blockages in these meridians, thus promoting health and wellbeing.
There are many forms of body work that focus on self awareness of how the body stores energy and creates blockages. Some modalities more than others support this ideology like, rolfing, osteopathy, cranial sacral work or pilates and yoga..
Shiatsu specifically concentrates treatment regimes to 3 key areas or meridians but considers the holistic questions of the body, rather than focusing simply on conditions.
Shiatsu enhances health and vitality and is a formidable stress management tool and preventative health care option.