Lymphatic cleansing is one of the most important measures for curing and preventing diseases of all kinds. Harmless symptoms of lymphatic congestion include swollen eyes, heavy legs, and mucous in the airways. However, a defective lymphatic system can also cause serious diseases. We explain how you can perform a holistic lymphatic cleansing.
How to cleanse your lymphatic system
The lymphatic system, together with the intestines, is the most important part of our immune system. Nevertheless, everyone knows colon cleansing, but very few people think about lymphatic cleansing. Fortunately, it is relatively easy to cleanse the lymph – a measure that has extraordinary effects on health and well-being.
Lymphatic cleansing and lymphatic drainage: the difference
When it comes to lymphatic cleansing, one often thinks of nothing other than lymphatic drainage, which is carried out by an expert (medical masseur, therapeutic masseur or even a physiotherapist with appropriate training). Lymphatic drainage is also really a very good idea for lymphedema, e.g. after surgery or lipedema.
However, lymphatic drainage does not have much to do with the lymphatic cleansing described here. Holistic lymphatic cleansing serves preventively to relieve and regenerate the lymphatic system. it accelerates detoxification, prevents diseases, and leads to a stable state of health overall. Lymphatic cleansing consists of many different measures that everyone can implement at home.
First, let’s look at how the lymphatic system is structured. If you already know about this, it is best to scroll down to the instructions for lymphatic cleansing.
The lymphatic system consists of two parts:
- The lymphatic system consists of lymphatic vessels, the lymph (lymphatic fluid) flowing in them, and the lymph nodes interposed in between.
- The lymphatic organs. These include, for example, the tonsils, the spleen, certain areas of the intestinal mucosa, and the appendix at the end of the appendix.
When we talk about the lymphatic system in the following, we are talking about the lymphatic system – whereby the lymphatic organs naturally also benefit from lymphatic cleansing. But why cleanse the lymphatic system and lymph?
The lymphatic system – the sewage treatment plant in the body
The lymphatic system is a kind of endogenous sewage treatment plant that keeps the body water wonderfully clean and healthy – but only if everything works out. However, this is not always the case. Because the lymphatic system is the Cinderella in the body. From all parts of the body and organs, it is overwhelmed with waste, waste products, fats, bacteria, parasites, degenerate cells, and much more and now has to watch how it detoxifies, processes, redistributes, or removes all this from the body as quickly as possible.
The lymphatic system’s vessels closely mirror the path of blood vessels in the body. This network of vessels transports lymphatic fluid and immune cells, helping to maintain fluid balance and defend against infections. However, there are two major differences between the bloodstream and the lymphatic system:
- The lymphatic system is an open system: while the bloodstream is a self-contained system, a cycle without beginning and without end, the lymphatic system is not a cycle, but a system with a beginning and an end. It starts with its finest vessels, the lymphatic capillaries in the middle of the tissue, to flow into the venous bloodstream after an extensive journey through the body.
- The lymphatic system has no drive: the blood circulation is driven by the heart. The lymphatic system, however, does not have such a central pump. It is true that the lymphatic system can actively participate in lymphatic transport, namely via peristalsis-like waves (similar to peristalsis in the digestive system). However, without the extra body and muscle movements, as well as the breathing movements, it would have trouble staying in the flow.
But there are also similarities: Like the blood vessel system, the lymphatic system also consists of vessels, lymphatic vessels. And just as there are large, small, and very tiny blood vessels, there are also lymphatic vessels of different sizes. They are called lymphatic capillaries, pre-collectors, collectors, and lymphatic collection trunks – with the capillaries being the smallest lymphatic vessels and the collecting trunks being the largest.
The lymphatic system cleanses and detoxifies the body’s water
The lymphatic capillaries are located in the middle of the tissue. While the blood capillaries collect the fine metabolic waste that is released by the cells into the interstitial fluid, the lymphatic capillaries are responsible for the coarse waste. They grab bacteria, bacterial toxins, heavy metals, chemicals, viruses, fungi, degenerate cells, cell fragments, non-functional cells, etc. and transport them – floating in the lymphatic fluid (lymph) – to the corner of the veins (on the collarbone) and transfer the now purified lymph to the venous part of the blood system.
Filter stations of the lymphatic system: The lymph nodes
The cleansing of the toxin and garbage-laden lymph takes place in the lymph nodes. These are filter stations that are positioned in groups along the lymphatic vessels at regular intervals. Well-known places for lymph node accumulations are the groin, neck, and armpits. But there are also many lymph nodes in the abdomen.
In the lymph nodes, however, it is not only filtered but also literally detoxified and destroyed. This is because the lymph nodes are full of phagocytes and also represent a kind of training camp for certain immune cells (lymphocytes). No wonder toxins can be neutralized, bacteria eliminated, cell fragments recycled and cancer cells eaten. No wonder purified lymph can now be released into the bloodstream and no miracle our health depends largely on the performance of the lymphatic system. After all, what happens when the lymphatic system is defective? What happens if the lymph is not cleaned?
Defective lymphatic system – a sick person
In the case of a defective lymphatic system, the performance of the lymph nodes or the defense and scavenger cells located in them decreases. Also, the lymph flows only very slowly. This is called lymphatic congestion. The consequences of lymphatic congestion and a defective lymphatic system can be very diverse:
If the lymph flow is slowed, swelling (edema) can occur, usually on the feet and hands, but also on the face.
Of course, lymphatic congestion can also be a symptom of other problems (e.g. kidney disease, heart failure, hormonal imbalances, etc.) that we have already discussed here: water retention. Often, however, the cause of lymphatic congestion and an overloaded lymphatic system lies in the current diet and lifestyle and can therefore be remedied with lymphatic cleansing.
Cellulite and lipedema
Even cellulite or lipedema can be caused by a partially defective lymphatic system. Over 90 percent of all women have some form of cellulite. The cause is usually a combination of obesity, lack of exercise, poor nutrition (hyperacidity), genetic predisposition and lymphatic congestion.
Cellulite begins when many fat cells gather in a specific area, such as the buttocks, thighs, or upper arms. The typical formation of dents occurs when the connective tissue fibers pull the skin downwards, while the accumulations of fat cells push the skin – where there are no fibers – upwards. The result is small bags full of fat. Toxins, but also excess lymph, can be stored particularly well here. If lymphatic cleansing is carried out and lymphatic flow is also promoted in the regions affected by cellulite, both the toxin load and the lymphatic accumulation are reduced, which leads to an improvement in cellulite and edema.
Creeping poisoning and chronic diseases
In the case of an overloaded or only partially functioning lymphatic system, the partially unpurified lymph now enters the blood and insidiously poisons the entire body. Depending on where the weak point of the individual is, a disease breaks out. At first, it may be “only” chronic headaches, inexplicable fatigue, loss of performance and concentration problems. In the long term, chronic complaints of all kinds develop.
Allergies and food intolerances can develop or intensify. An overloaded lymphatic system also increases the risk of joint pain, menstrual cramps, breast tenderness, digestive problems, mood swings, depression, acne, skin rashes and much more.
Of course, the stronger the toxin load of the individual, the more serious a blockage in the lymphatic system is. Poisons can come from a wide variety of sources. But regardless of whether the toxins originate in medicines, vaccines, cleaning agents, pesticide residues or tattoos, they all put a strain on the lymphatic system.
Frequent infections, rapid cancer
If the lymphatic system can no longer comprehensively kill invading pathogens, infections also occur more frequently. These include bacterial infections, but also fungal and viral infections. And if degenerated cells can spread undisturbed, it is much easier for cancerous tumors and metastases to develop.
If there is already a disease, a cure is almost impossible if the lymph flow comes to a standstill and the lymphatic system is overloaded. The lymphatic system and lymph should therefore be cared for very carefully and maintained at regular intervals, i.e. cleaned.
Tattoo inks settle in the lymph nodes
Tattoos are also a risk factor. If you get a tattoo, the color does not always stay in the top layer of the skin. It can travel through the body and settle in the lymph nodes. This has been confirmed by several studies (1) (2) (3) (4). The more color settles, the more the lymph nodes swell, which often leads to pain. The lymph nodes even take on the colors of the tattoo.
The reason for this is that the lymph nodes recognize the pigments of the tattoo ink as foreign to the body and want to remove these chemical ingredients. The long-term consequences of tattoos have not yet been sufficiently researched. However, since these are partially toxic and potentially carcinogenic substances, lymphatic cleansing is a good idea, especially in the presence of tattoos.
Cleansing the lymph with lymphatic cleansing
Lymphatic cleansing, in which not only the lymph is cleansed, but the entire lymphatic system, has two main goals:
- The lymph flow is stimulated and activated so that the lymph flows quickly through the body and thus waste products, toxins, pathogens and cancer cells can be quickly discharged.
- The body as a whole is relieved so that the lymphatic system can fully devote itself to the regeneration and cleaning of contaminated sites.
Holistic lymphatic cleansing
Many of the following aspects of lymphatic cleansing should best be permanently integrated into everyday life (e.g. sufficient exercise, abundant drinking of water, a healthy diet). However, the minimum duration of lymphatic cleansing with all the listed 9 measures should be 10 to 14 days, preferably 21 days. 21 days because it has been shown that after this time new activities become a habit.
Ideally, you should carry out the lymphatic cleansing after a colon cleansing, as an important source of possible slagging and strain on the lymphatic system is then already out of the way. Because the healthier the intestine, the healthier the liver and kidneys and the less waste products end up in the lymphatic system.
Since, as explained above, the lymphatic system has no drive (the blood circulation, on the other hand, is driven by the heart), an important aspect of lymphatic cleansing is to activate lymphatic flow. This is achieved through the following six measures:
1. Cleanse lymph through exercise
Exercise is the be-all and end-all. Nothing gets the lymph flow going as well as regular exercise. Now, not everyone is a sports fanatic – otherwise he/she would most likely not have a lymphatic problem. A very simple way to move without having to make a special effort at the same time is rebounding, German: swinging on the mini trampoline. And if you are worried about losing your balance, you can place the trampoline so that you can hold on to something, e.g. under a carpet pole. Or you can buy a trampoline with special holding devices.
Tai Chi, yoga, stretching, Pilates, dancing, cycling, running, swimming or simply brisk walking also get the lymph flow going and help you very well with lymphatic cleansing. It is important that you find a type of exercise that you feel like doing several times a day and that you like to do. Since you can’t go swimming several times a day – unless you have a pool in the house – you should definitely choose several types of exercise. Once again, the trampoline is practical, because it can be placed in the living room and can therefore be used at any moment without any effort. For example, swing on your mini trampoline two to three times a day for 10 to 20 minutes each. In this way, your lymph will no longer cause congestion and it will be easier for your organism to cleanse the lymph.
Of course, a stepper, a treadmill, a cross or exercise bike, a rowing machine, etc. very good opportunities to keep moving at home at all times.
2. Cleanse lymph with proper breathing
Deep breathing is another important factor that can be used to cleanse lymph, which helps to regain lymph flow and help you eliminate lymphatic congestion. This is because breathing causes the internal organs to move very strongly. The diaphragm rises and falls and, when inhaling, pushes the underlying organs towards the abdomen so that the lungs can expand, which reverses when exhaling.
So sit or lie down relaxed. Make sure you have a quiet environment and close your eyes. Now inhale slowly through your nose, making sure that the breath flows into the abdomen and the abdominal wall rises. As you inhale slowly, count at least to five, preferably to eight, with each number lasting one second. Then exhale slowly – through your mouth. Let the breath flow, so do not actively push it out. Also, try to let the exhalation take five to eight seconds. Breathe this way as often as you like, but at least 10 to 15 times, and perform this exercise two to three times a day to thoroughly cleanse your lymph.
3. Cleanse lymph with lymphatic massage
True, it is best to motivate lymph flow through active muscle movements and breathing exercises. However, a lymphatic massage can also be performed to relieve lymphatic congestion and cleanse the lymph. Even in situations where you don’t have much time for sporting activities, lymphatic massage is a very good way to stimulate lymph flow, e.g. when you are bedridden or have headaches or other complaints.
Lymphatic massage is often equated with professionally performed lymphatic drainage. But there are also other forms of lymphatic massage, including one that you can do yourself. The procedure is difficult to explain with words alone. Therefore, we would like to draw your attention to the linked video on lymphatic self-massage with detailed instructions.
Lymphatic self-massage can be a very good self-help measure if, for example, you often suffer from headaches and dizziness, which can also be caused by lymphatic congestion in the head. So you can see that it makes a lot of sense to cleanse the lymph. This is because it often dissipates some complaints whose cause was not known and which had certainly not been associated with the lymphatic system.
4. Cleanse lymph with the dry brush massage
The dry brush massage is used in many cultures and is an extremely effective and at the same time simple method with which one can cleanse the lymph and stimulate the lymph flow. The dry brush massage also reduces cellulite and leaves skin soft, smooth and rosy.
Perform the dry brush massage at least once a day, preferably before the morning shower, as the massage also gets the circulation going very well and the subsequent shower removes the loosened skin particles. The massage is ideal if you do it twice a day – in the morning and at noon. Rather not in the evening, as the massage has a stimulating effect. Each run can take anywhere from 2 to 20 minutes.
5. Cleanse lymph with water
Lymph is a fluid and our body contains twice as much lymph as blood. The more fluid the lymph is, the better it can flow. If you drink too little, however, your lymph thickens and lymphatic congestion occurs. In turn, the more viscous the lymph, the longer waste products, toxins, bacteria and cancer cells remain in it and the more likely it is that it will develop into a disease.
Therefore, be sure to drink enough water. 30 ml per kilogram of body weight is ideal. So, for example, if you weigh 60 kilograms, drink at least 1.8 liters of water per day. (Smoothies, vegetable juices and herbal teas can be included in this amount of liquid). This is the only way you can cleanse your lymph and only in this way can all the other measures have any effect at all.
6. Cleanse lymph with herbs and enzymes
Effective lymphatic cleansing also includes special herbs that can be taken in different preparations. These cleanse the lymph through very different mechanisms of action and at the same time help to strengthen the lymphatic system.
Horsetail as fresh plant juice or in drop form strengthens the connective tissue due to its silicon content, among other things, and also has a slightly draining effect, i.e. it removes lymphatic excesses from the tissue.<
Bromelain is the enzyme from pineapple. It cleanses the lymph, inhibits the development of edema and thus water retention as a result of lymphatic congestion. It should be taken in enteric-coated capsules.
Horse chestnut seed extract (in capsules) protects and stabilizes the vascular walls and prevents water retention.
Due to its coumarin content, sweet clover herb tea improves lymph flow and counteracts the formation of edema. Pour boiling water over 1 to 2 teaspoons of dried sweet clover herb per cup and let the tea steep for 10 minutes before draining it. Two to three cups should be drunk daily.
Since nowadays sweet clover tea is discouraged in many places because the exact coumarin content in it is not known, ready-made preparations from sweet clover are recommended, which contain standardized amounts of coumarin. However, it is questionable whether a tea in the specified amount can actually be problematic over the period of lymphatic cleansing (10 – 14 or 21 days), since both the liver-toxic and the carcinogenic effect have only been shown in animal experiments with unnaturally high amounts of coumarin.
In addition, it is now known that humans metabolize coumarins differently than rodents that had served as laboratory animals. However, some people react to curmarines with headaches, heartburn or other symptoms, so you should dose the tea carefully or better use a sweet clover-free lymphatic tea, e.g. the following tea blend:
Lymphatic tea blend: As an alternative to the above four preparations, a tea blend can be used. It cleanses the lymph, decongests the lymphatic system, increases lymphatic drainage and drains.
The lymphatic tea blend consists of: calendula flowers, nettle herb, birch leaves and horsetail (in the original recipe also sweet clover herb (which is also called honey clover herb).
The herbs are mixed in equal parts and soaked in cold water overnight (1 tsp per cup (150 ml) of herbs). Then boil the tea for at least 10 minutes, pour it and drink 2 to 3 cups a day.
The next steps are now aimed at relieving the lymphatic system so that it can devote itself to detoxifying the contaminated sites and regenerating them without being constantly confronted with new stresses.
7. Cleanse lymph with a healthy diet
The lymph cannot be cleaned with fast food or supermarket ready-to-eat food, as it is permanently overwhelmed with waste materials and waste products. Therefore, a healthy diet consisting of ingredients that are as fresh and unprocessed as possible not only reduces the toxin and waste product load on the body and the lymphatic system, but also provides a lot of vital substances necessary for the regeneration and full functioning of the lymph nodes and other lymphoid organs.
A healthy diet also supports the proper functioning of all excretory organs: intestines, liver and kidneys. The better these organs function, the cleaner and healthier the lymphatic system remains and the better the lymph can clean itself regularly.
A good introduction to a healthy alkaline diet can be achieved with the help of our nutrition plans. Just pick one or two that suit you and your health condition. The four-week detoxification cure can also serve as an introduction. This will not only provide you with varied recipes, but will also give you many tips on how to implement an optimal diet. After 2 weeks at the latest, this form of nutrition has become second nature to you, so that you can then continue with it routinely and independently. Our ZDG cooking studio provides you with recipes for this with new wholesome, vegan and alkaline surplus recipes almost every day.
8. Cleanse lymph with probiotics
The digestive system is directly connected to the lymphatic system. Without a clean digestive system, the lymph cannot be cleansed. The intestinal mucosa contains a part of the lymphatic system itself – the so-called Peyer plaques. These are spherically arranged accumulations of lymphocytes (immune cells). This is also referred to as lymphatic follicles. This is where the formation and formation of these immune cells takes place. The Peyer plaques are thus an essential component of the immune system. In addition, parts of the absorbed nutrients (especially fats) pass from the intestine directly into the lymphatic system.
These two close connections between the digestive and lymphatic systems show the importance of taking care of the intestines and keeping them healthy. This is because a sick, slagged or even inflamed and irritated intestine pollutes and puts extreme strain on the lymphatic system. Such an intestine makes it impossible to cleanse the lymph.
Therefore, one of the measures that cleanse the lymphatic system is at least the intake of a high-quality probiotic (e.g. Combi Flora). It ensures that a healthy intestinal flora develops, that putrefactive bacteria and fungi are pushed back, that contaminated sites in the intestine are quickly broken down and excreted, and that the intestinal mucosa can recover and regenerate. In addition, the probiotic has an anti-inflammatory, detoxifying and immune-boosting effect.
Due to this close connection between the intestine and the lymphatic system, lymphatic cleansing is an excellent conclusion to any colon cleansing. Of course, the above-mentioned measures for cleansing the lymph can also be integrated into the process of a colon cleanse – because what cleanses the intestine also cleanses the lymph and vice versa. Therefore, taking a probiotic is part of both colon cleansing and lymphatic cleansing.
9. Accompanying measures for lymphatic cleansing
Other aspects to consider when cleansing your lymph are the following:
Avoid tight clothing at all costs. It obstructs lymph flow, promotes lymphatic congestion and constricts the lymph nodes so that they cannot work properly.
Implement measures that can promote detoxification of the body, such as sauna sessions, bentonite intake, optimization of the antioxidant supply (e.g. with OPC, astaxanthin, sulforaphane, curcumin), etc. In addition, check whether there could be heavy metal contamination from dental fillings or other sources and, if necessary, first carry out a mercury removal after professional amalgam removal (tooth restoration).
Remember the above: the cleaner and healthier the intestines, liver and kidneys, the better off the lymphatic system is. Because the more stressed and sicker the intestines, liver and kidneys are, the more the lymphatic system is stressed. You could, therefore, familiarize yourself with how to perform a colon cleanse, a liver cleanse, and a kidney cleanse, and do these programs over the next few months—not all at once, but one at a time, with a four- to six-week break until you start the next program. (There is no need to take a break between bowel and lymphatic cleansing).
A mental load can also restrict the lymph flow and prevent the lymph from being cleansed. Often, we get stuck in a certain negative pattern and seem unable to leave it and change. This inability to free oneself from a blockage can manifest itself at the body level in the form of lymphatic congestion (lymphatic block). If we didn’t hold on to life and things so convulsively, but let everything flow freely, the tension would also be able to leave our body much sooner.
So if you can observe in yourself that the same unpleasant situations arise again and again – the same argument over and over again, the same mistakes in choosing a partner over and over again, the same lack of money over and over again – it is worth taking a closer look here and considering why changes are so difficult. A conversation with a good friend, therapist or pastor can often open your eyes – and ultimately solve the lymphatic congestion.
10. Cleanse lymph in three days
If you want to have lymphatic cleansing in no time at all, then the three-day lymphatic cleansing by herbalist Karin Uphoff may be an option for you. She has put together an interesting lymphatic cleansing cure, which is carried out over three days and certainly cleanses not only the lymphatic system and lymph, but many other organs and organ systems more. But read for yourself under the following link how you can cleanse your lymph with the three-day lymphatic cleansing.