Marriage Family Therapy (MFT)
The idea that underpins this therapy is that families are units made up of individuals and the families behaviour as a unit can influence the individual. The same applies to marriage as both parties are embedded influences upon one another.
Most MFT therapists provide both treatment regimes for the individual as well as for the family as a group. Obtaining commitments from family members or marriage partners to participate and cooperate in holistic regimes is at the core of this healing modality.
Marriage and family therapists treat a wide range of serious clinical problems including: depression, marital problems, anxiety, individual psychological problems, and child-parent problems.
Marriage and family therapy is recognised as an effective treatment for many mental health problems that plague society such as: mental and mood disorders, alcoholism, and drug abuse, gambling addiction, anorexia and many other areas of mental health.
Relationship Therapy
Relationship Therapy helps patients to identify the causes and actions of dysfunctional interpersonal relationships. This is done by introducing new framework, vocabulary and action plans for the rectification of these identified dysfunctional aspects. With the goal of restoring a better level of functioning in couples who experience relationship distress.
Poor communication skills, incompatibility, and broad spectrum of psychological disorders are the most common obstacles to relationship harmony. Symptoms include, alcoholism, depression, anxiety and in more severe cases domestic violence.
Patients are encouraged to be completely honest in sharing their views and feelings, as it is this honesty that underpins the foundations of the interpersonal growth and reconciliation.
One of the issues considered by the Relationship Therapy practitioner in assessment is any individual therapy that is needed to create an equal playing field for the interpersonal relationship to grow. Patients are often given individual treatment regimes to follow in conjunction with the interpersonal work done by practitioners.