Massages – Hot Stone
Hot Stone Massage is an ancient practice which has become more popular in recent times. The idea that a stone can contain heat and that heat can be transferred into the body is well known. Massage practitioners utilise hot stones to transfer heat into areas of the body before doing soft tissue work. Hot stones are also used as massage tools in various pressure and release techniques.
Ancient cultures believed that the body derived nourishment from two sources food and innate heat. That the main producers of heat in the body where the Heart and the Liver. That good health was determined by the bodies ability to disperse this heat throughout the body. That imbalances occurred when the bodies requirement for heat was more than the heart or liver could produce. That by introducing other sources of heat, relief for the body and its organs could be achieved and balance could be restored.
Massage Indian Head
Indian Head Massage focuses on the soft tissue areas of the neck and back. A variety of pressure and release techniques are used in conjunction with rhythmical intent achieved through the meditative state of the practitioner.
Originally this healing modality was practiced by women native to the Indian continent and became a common therapy amongst Ayurveda practitioners. The therapy was designed to promote circulation, improve skin tone and elasticity, provide for healthy hair and reduce sinus problems and headaches.
Massage Russian
Russian Massage is considered to be a slower and softer massage practice that focuses on creating heat in the affected area by rubbing and loosen muscles with vibrational manipulations. This modality is sometimes referred to as reflexology and is classified as a connective tissue massage regime used primarily for sports injuries providing not only relief from muscle tension but increasing flexibility and reducing pain.
Massage Thai
Thai massage is closely related to acupressure because of its use of pressure point technique and has been practiced for 1000’s of years as a preventative health treatment, keeping energy pathways open, and keeping flowing smoothly through the body is at the core of this powerful healing modality.
Much of the focus of Thai massage is on the hands and the feet but the physical manipulation is performed from head to toe with much attention giving to stretching and loosening body parts and the torso. This technique increases the functionality and mobility of the patient and helps to regulate the energy flow of the bodies system.