Ortho-Bionomy is a healing modality which is centered on the idea that that there is action without action that as human beings we can fight without fighting. That events can flow naturally without our intervention.
Ortho Bionomy is the nothing practice of healing that employs thoughtfulness, awareness and intent to relax and release tension and stimulate physiological mechanisms of the body helping the patient to regain their bodies natural healing functionality.
Progressive Relaxation
Progressive Relaxation is a system of a lessening of tension in the body through the application of breathing techniques and relaxation. At the core of this healing modality lies a belief that muscle tension is the body’s physiological response to anxiety-provoking thoughts and that muscle relaxation blocks anxiety.
That through these relaxation techniques energy resources can be rebuilt. Imagery and meditation are also employed by the practitioner in order to achieve the desired effects.
The physiologic effects of applying these techniques include a decrease in pulse and respiratory rate and reduced oxygen and carbon dioxide production as well as blood pressure, metabolic rate, and muscle tension.
The meditative component of this healing modality allows patients to sink into an alpha level of consciousness, similar to that of a light sleep. In this state the thought processes become less logical and more associative and creative; hence, one is more receptive and better able to concentrate on a single mental image or idea, assisting the relaxation process. Upon returning from the alpha state of consciousness to full consciousness one feels rested and more alert.
Autogenics seeks to establish profound states of physical relaxation, bodily health, and mental peace. It does this by teaching patients to self-produce a comfortable warm feeling and heaviness throughout the body through visualisation and mediative techniques.
Once in the Autogenic state or inner place of calmness and emotional peace you can change unwanted patterns, behaviours and reactions which adversely affect your wellbeing.
Autogenics have been used to overcome just about every psychological or physiological problem known to us. Discipline and confidence are touted as essential ingredients for those who wish to benefit from Autogenic treatment regimes.
Relaxation Response
At the core of this healing modality is the idea that when the body and mind are in a state of stress, bodily function is reduced. That when the body is in a state of relaxation the body functions normally and there fore the reduction of stress and the promotion of relaxation is a healthful practice.
The relaxation response practitioner assists patients in developing techniques to move from a state of physiological arousal where blood pressure and heart rate are functioning at extreme levels to a state of physiological relaxation, where heart rate, blood pressure and digestive functions return to their normal.
This is done by introducing patients to a frame work of meditative responses, calming body and mind, and helping patients to build resilience over time. Meditation is considered to be the most effective non pharmaceutical stress reliever available to patients that suffer from anxiety.
The relaxation response practitioner utilises several different types of breathing exercises that involve tensing and relaxing different groups of muscles in your body. This is done in order develop more natural ways to find and remain in a state of physical relaxation. That with practice these techniques assist patients in reversing the bodies own stress response.
Stress Management
The stress management practitioner teaches patients how to react to stress in a positive way. Creating awareness that we need to set limits and learn to say “No” and accept that we cannot control some stress factors in our life but we can control how we react to stress.
This is done through training patients in the techniques and coping mechanisms for dealing with psychological stress. Like practicing Self-understanding or using breathing exercises, meditation and exercise. Some therapists even introduce diet changes and sleeping pattern alterations.
The end goal of course is to reduce stress and live a more enjoyable life.