Intestinal parasites include such unpleasant contemporaries as amoeba, giardia, tapeworms, nematodes, whipworms, roundworms, pinworms, hookworms and a few more. You are probably sure that you are not harboring such abominable intestinal inhabitants under any circumstances. But the probability that you are affected by a parasite infestation is greater than you think.
Intestinal parasites enter the body in different ways
Most often, parasites in the egg stage enter the intestine via contaminated food and drinking water. However, they can also be transmitted by infected insects (e.g. fleas, ticks, mosquitoes), other people or pets.
Transmission of the parasites can also take place during sex ( 5 ). The infection is particularly high during anal intercourse, as most parasites, including their eggs, hide in fecal deposits or, for example, in the case of pinworms, prefer to stay near the anus anyway and lay their eggs there.
The larvae of some worms enter the blood directly through the skin. From there, they are transported to the lungs, where they can lead to severe coughing or even pneumonia. They then reach the throat via the respiratory tract and finally end up in the digestive tract when swallowed.
The larvae of other parasites, on the other hand, develop in the duodenum before migrating further into the large intestine and growing there.
Some intestinal parasites are also able to pierce the colon wall. This is how they get into the blood and can spread throughout the body via this route.
A parasite infestation can trigger many diseases
Parasites are living beings that feed on their host (plant, animal, human). Therefore, it is not surprising that a parasite infestation is always accompanied by a lack of nutrients and vital substances. Depending on the age and general health situation of the person affected, a wide variety of diseases can develop from this alone.
Parasites also excrete toxic metabolites that put just as much strain on the intestines as they do on the liver and the immune system. In the intestine, they can lead to symptoms such as severe flatulence, chronic constipation, chronic diarrhea, stomach and intestinal ulcers, etc.
If the parasites ultimately enter the bloodstream or lymphatic system, they can reach all organs and attack their tissues. Inflammatory processes occur that trigger diseases of the affected organs.
If a chronic course of inflammation develops, there is a risk of a self-destructive overreaction of the immune system due to a complete overload. In this state, the immune system is out of control (sepsis).
Such a development ultimately results in the development of so-called autoimmune diseases, in which the immune system also attacks and destroys healthy tissue. These conditions include Crohn’s disease, arthritis, psoriasis, multiple sclerosis, and many more. Cancer is also often caused by chronic inflammation.
Intestinal parasites develop survival strategies
A strong immune system can usually prevent the intestinal parasites from nesting by forming specific antibodies. However, some parasites have developed very perfidious survival strategies that make it impossible for the immune system to take action against them.
Some intestinal parasites repeatedly change their surface structure by shedding their skin. In this way, the parasite can no longer be recognized as an intruder by relevant antibodies and escapes the defense mechanisms of the human host.
Other parasites release certain substances that stimulate the immune system to produce more so-called regulatory cells. This cell type suppresses the body’s healthy immune response, allowing the parasite to develop, grow and possibly multiply undisturbed.
In addition, all intestinal parasites benefit from an unhealthy intestinal environment. The worse the intestinal situation of a person, the better the parasites can nest in the numerous polluted niches of the intestinal wall or even in an already existing diverticulitis (sac-shaped protrusions) and multiply there unmolested.
Parasites are often not taken into account in the diagnosis
A parasite infestation is often difficult to diagnose because the parasitic symptoms are very non-specific. Many doctors often do not see a connection between a parasitic infection and a serious illness. The symptoms can be confused too easily with other diseases and the therapy aimed at them will be correspondingly ineffective.
Another possible reason for a misdiagnosis could be that hardly any physicians today consider a parasite infestation (intestinal parasitosis). It seems as if doctors still believe that parasites are exclusively a problem of tropical countries and countries of the Third World. But this is not the case.
Diagnosis of intestinal parasites
A stool diagnosis often yields a rather dubious result, as the intestinal parasites hide in the protection of the mucus layers and – if present – in the diverticula and are therefore not detectable in the stool.
In addition, a stool sample does not examine the entire stool. Random samples are taken, so it is like a game of chance to come across eggs or larvae there of all places – unless it is a massive infestation.
It should also be remembered that parasites are subject to a certain cycle. This means that today the stool may still be free of parasite eggs. The next day, on the other hand, you will find what you are looking for, as the parasites only then switch to the egg-laying phase.
Stool samples therefore only become meaningful when the samples from several different days are examined.
In the case of pinworms, which are particularly common in children, an adhesive strip is removed from the anal region. The pinworm eggs stick to this and can then be detected in the laboratory.
Parasite infestation can often also be concluded by an examination of the blood. Specific antibodies can be detected in some parasites, e.g. in roundworms and hookworms, which live in the intestines, but also in dog and fox tapeworms, which usually nest in the liver in the form of a so-called fin (brood capsule).
In the fin, many small larvae now develop over several months, which are now waiting – quite hopelessly – for humans to be eaten by a dog or a fox. Only there could they develop into adult dog or fox tapeworms again.
A fluke infestation (e.g. in the lung or liver) can also be narrowed down by an antibody test. In addition, stool samples are taken. If necessary, a puncture of the gallbladder could also be performed. In the case of an infestation with the liver fluke, the eggs of the leech pass from the liver to the gallbladder with the bile (which is produced in the liver).
A therapist specializing in parasite infestation will also examine the blood for signs of eosinophilia. Eosinophilia refers to an increased occurrence of eosinophils in the blood. The eosinophils, on the other hand, belong to the white blood cells. If their concentration in the serum increases noticeably, this is usually due to either an allergy or parasite infestation.
Alternative diagnostic procedures (e.g. bioresonance, delta scan or similar) are often used by naturopathic therapists, but in our opinion they should not be relied on and should be confirmed by conventional medical diagnostic procedures.
Parasites can be anywhere
So, parasites can infiltrate any bodily system: the blood, lungs, liver, kidneys, heart, muscle tissue, spine, pancreas, skin, eyes, kidneys, uterus, and even the brain.
Consequently, a wide variety of symptoms can appear. However, since these are usually not associated with a possible parasite infestation, the therapies used can often not be successful.
The therapist is then often faced with a puzzle, the patient is discouraged and the disease continues to develop cheerfully.
So in the case of symptoms that simply cannot be contained by whatever measures, parasites should also be considered. In this case, it is best to consult a doctor specializing in parasitosis.
Natural measures against intestinal parasites
Parasite infestation is therefore a widespread problem that should not be underestimated. But of course, there are also holistic and naturopathic approaches here, which on the one hand have a preventive effect and on the other hand can make it much more difficult for the parasites to survive and multiply in the organism if there is already a parasite infestation.
Antiparasitic measures can be integrated particularly well into a colon cleansing program. A colon cleanse not only improves the situation in the digestive system, but is also known to strengthen the immune system particularly intensively. And it is precisely these two prerequisites – a clean digestive system (including healthy intestinal flora) and a strong immune system – that make parasite infestation almost impossible.
Of course, the antiparasitic methods for parasite detoxification presented afterwards can also be easily incorporated into everyday life independently of intestinal cleansing, e.g. twice a year on a detox basis over a period of four weeks each.
People who have already been diagnosed with a parasitic infestation by a doctor can also use the following measures.
Hygiene is important for intestinal parasites
In order to keep the risk of infection with parasites as low as possible, you should of course first and foremost pay attention to careful hygiene. This includes consistent and thorough washing of hands after going to the toilet as well as before each meal. Even after playing with pets, hands should be cleaned accordingly.
Dogs and cats should be checked regularly for worm infestation and, if necessary, dewormed accordingly.
Since many fresh foods can be an ideal breeding ground for parasites, the following applies: Wash fruit and vegetables thoroughly before consumption.
It is better to avoid eating raw fish and raw meat. Raw milk and raw eggs should only be consumed if there is a known source of these highly sensitive foods.
Parasite Elimination
Parasites could be eliminated as follows:
1. Colon cleansing
Intestinal cleansing is the very first step in parasite elimination, as intestinal cleansing improves the entire intestinal environment in such a way that, in addition to parasites, pathogenic bacteria, fungi, etc. will no longer find an ideal habitat in the intestine in the future.
With an intensive intestinal cleanse, you free your intestines from old layers of mucus and feces deposits, which are known to be among the most popular hiding places for parasites. If these shelters dissolve, the parasites will also quickly vacate their place.
The additional use of the antiparasitic agents presented below, in conjunction with the parasite-hostile diet described below, will lead to the fact that many of your pathogenic intestinal inhabitants will not be able to survive.
If parasites die in the intestine, it must be ensured that not only the metabolic toxins of the parasites, but now also their “corpse toxins” can be removed as quickly as possible. This is also best done in the context of intestinal cleansing, as this ensures rapid digestion and comprehensive detoxification at the same time.
Colon hydrotherapy can also be helpful in the case of parasite infestation, but this must be carried out by a well trained alternative practitioner.
2. Natural anti-parasitic agents
If you want to use intestinal cleansing specifically for parasite elimination, then it can be supplemented with such special antiparasitic agents, which have been used in traditional folk medicine for many centuries for parasite infestation and which we present to you below:
Papaya seeds against intestinal parasites
The seeds of papaya can be used very easily to fight parasites or to prevent possible parasite infestation.
You simply chew 5 – 6 papaya seeds several times a day.
Studies have shown that papaya seeds reliably repel intestinal parasites. For example, a study with 1700 children between the ages of one and five showed that they could easily be freed from their intestinal parasites such as roundworms, nematodes and pinworms.
Oregano oil against intestinal parasites
Oregano oil has proven itself many times over as a natural antibiotic. With its concentrated healing power, which is much stronger than that of the fresh or dried oregano herb, it has also proven its antiparasitic effects. Therefore, this oil fits particularly well into an anti-parasite program ( 1 ) ( 2 ).
The general recommendation is to add two to three drops of the oil to a glass of water together with the juice of half a freshly squeezed lemon up to three times a day.
However, oregano oil can also be taken simply with capsules. Make sure you have a high carvacrol content, as this plant substance in particular has a strong effect against parasites.
Wormwood against intestinal parasites
Wormwood is one of the most bitter medicinal plants and is known as a general medicinal plant for cleansing and strengthening the body. For centuries, wormwood has been used as THE remedy against intestinal parasites and is therefore also known as “wormwort”.
Wormwood can be taken as a liquid extract, tea, or in the form of capsules. The pure wormwood oil is toxic. Therefore, it must not be taken pure!
With garlic against intestinal parasites
Fresh garlic has many superior health properties. So it is not surprising that garlic is also an excellent remedy in the fight against parasites.
Fresh garlic is effective against roundworms and tapeworms, as well as against giardia (a genus of flagellums).
Responsible for its antiparasitic effect is its high content of allicin. This substance is formed from the amino acid alliin, which is released by cutting or pressing the fresh garlic clove.
Since allicin is broken down into another sulfur compound after a short time, it is important to consume the garlic relatively soon after pressing or cutting the clove. One approach would be to eat a large clove of garlic every night before going to bed for 30 days. Cut or press the clove and wait about 2 minutes before consuming it. During this time, enough allicin has formed. However, think about your garlic breath, which does not suit everyone. As an alternative, you could do the lemon-garlic program, in which hardly any garlic plume forms ( 3 ).
Virgin organic coconut oil against intestinal parasites
Coconut oil is rich in medium-chain fatty acids (MCTs). Lauric acid in particular is known for its antifungal and parasitic effect (6).
Coconut oil can also be used outside of a parasite detox or colon cleanse, especially for deep-frying or searing, as it is so heat-tolerant. It can also give homemade chocolate a wonderful aroma.
Depending on your personal body weight, the following amounts of coconut oil are recommended for daily intake in parasite therapy:
Body weight (kg) / tablespoon coconut oil
- 79+ / 4+ (This means that if you weigh 79 or more kilograms, then eat 4 or more tablespoons of coconut oil daily.)
- 68 / 3.5 (This means that if you weigh between 68 and 79 kilograms, then you eat between 3.5 and 4 tablespoons of coconut oil every day.)
- 57 / 3
- 45 / 2,5
- 34 / 2
- 23 / 1,5
- 11 / 1
The indicated amounts of coconut oil are calculated in such a way that you absorb sufficient medium-chain fatty acids with your personal body weight to be able to benefit from their positive effects.
Since the immune-promoting, antimicrobial and antiparasitic effects of MCTs become stronger the more of them you take, in this case “a lot helps a lot”. You could therefore easily consume twice the amount listed – of course, only if you can consume the extra calories!
Suppose you weigh 70 kilograms and want to take 3.5 tablespoons (or more) of coconut oil daily. Then, of course, you don’t have to eat the 3.5 tablespoons at once.
For example, you can mix a spoonful into your smoothie in the morning, pour it over your muesli (liquefy the coconut oil beforehand by gently heating it) or consume it in the form of a spread with bread.
At noon, prepare your vegetables with coconut oil and in the afternoon, mix coconut oil into your almond milk.
However, you can also simply take half a tablespoon to a whole tablespoon of coconut oil every 2 to 3 hours – which many naturopathic therapists also recommend to their sick patients for faster regeneration.
Black walnut shell against intestinal parasites
The Black walnut is traditionally used for fungal infections, such as lichen grind (a fungal skin disease).
The indigenous peoples of North America have also been using the shell of the black walnut for many centuries for parasite infestation. Adult parasites are also said to be killed with the black walnut shell.
Products with the black walnut shell are available in drop or capsule form. The exact dosage is best found in the respective product description.
Olive Leaf Extract
Olive trees can live for a thousand years and older. Of course, this performance is only possible because the olive tree has numerous secondary plant substances that protect it from almost any inconvenience.
Its leaves contain substances against predators, substances against bacteria, against fungi, against burns (due to UV radiation) and also substances against parasites.
All these substances are found in the olive tree leaf extract in concentrated form and then help humans not only against parasites, but in a variety of ways, especially because the individual substances in the olive tree leaf extract mutually reinforce each other in their properties.
The result is a strong antibiotic, antiviral, antiparasitic, immune system-strengthening and anti-inflammatory effect, which can now of course be used for a wide variety of ailments.
Olive leaf extract is therefore ideal for all digestive system problems caused by infections (whether caused by fungi, bacteria or parasites).
Olive leaf extract can even be used as an adjunct in the treatment of infections with antibiotic-resistant germs.
Pumpkin seeds
According to the naturopathic literature, pumpkin seeds are particularly effective in the case of tapeworm and roundworm infestation ( 4 ). They contain a substance called piperazine, which helps paralyze the parasites so that they can be excreted alive through the intestines.
In an article about natural remedies for parasites, the well-known American naturopath and nutritional therapist Cathy Wong described the way in which naturopathic therapists successfully use pumpkin seeds for parasite infestation this way:
Pulverize 1 cup of pumpkin seeds in a powerful blender and mix with 2 cups of diluted fruit juice (no added sugar) and drink in sips on an empty stomach. After about 2 hours, take castor oil or another natural laxative so that the now anesthetized worms can be rinsed out quickly before they can recover.
Parasite detoxification: The program
A program for parasite detoxification could look like this:
To accompany your colon cleansing (e.g. from psyllium husks, zeolite and a probiotic), take coconut oil three times a day or enrich your meals with it. In addition, take capsules with oregano oil, black walnut and olive tree leaf extract daily for four weeks. After the first week, take the powdered pumpkin seeds as described in the recipe above.
In the case of stubborn parasite infestation, this procedure can be practiced weekly, i.e. always at the end of the week and a maximum of four times, but only if you feel comfortable, as frequent laxation can lead to electrolyte losses and their consequences. In the case of chronic diseases, you should discuss the parasite program with your doctor or naturopath.
Always take probiotics during this time!
Parallel to the parasite program, we advise taking probiotics, as it is precisely the laxative and also the antiparasitic agents that could affect the intestinal flora. The active and beneficial intestinal bacteria from a high-quality probiotic, on the other hand, ensure healthy symbiosis control, which means that the intestinal flora is positively influenced, the beneficial bacteria eventually predominate and a great diversity is also achieved (which is an important characteristic of a healthy intestinal flora).
Healthy diet against intestinal parasites
Regardless of the recommendations listed above, it is of course important to pay attention to a healthy diet in general, as only such a diet preserves intestinal health and strengthens the immune system sufficiently so that it is able to protect the body from parasite infestation.
Overall, a healthy diet ensures a balanced acid-base balance and thus an environment that seems uninviting for intestinal parasites.
If there is already a parasite infestation, a healthy diet rich in vital substances is all the more important, as parasites themselves consume a large amount of nutrients for themselves, so that there is not too much left for humans.
This deficit must be replenished at the latest after the parasite has been eliminated – on the one hand with the appropriate dietary supplements (e.g. antioxidants, natural vitamin C, medicinal mushrooms and microalgae, and on the other hand with the right diet.
The basic principles of such a diet are as follows:
- Eat an alkaline diet.
- So avoid the unhealthy acid-forming foods (products that contain white flour, sugar, and processed meat and dairy products).
- Prefer the typical alkaline foods (fresh vegetables, green salads, smoothies, potatoes, chestnuts) and supplement them with healthy acid-forming foods (nuts, legumes, pseudo-cereals, fish, organic eggs and occasionally organic meat or organic tofu).
- The alkaline foods should make up 70 to 80 percent of your plate, the acid-forming foods 20 to 30 percent.
- Prepare your food fresh as often as possible. So avoid ready-made products. If you do occasionally choose ready-made products, buy them from organic retailers.
- Drink plenty of still water – ideally spring water or filtered tap water.