Sex in old age can be challenging. But sex in old age can also make you happy. Maybe you think that sex will be workable at 50 or 60. Sex at 70 or 80, on the other hand, is only a vague memory of old times. Wrong! In reality, quite a few people over the age of 50 or 60 have the best sex of their lives – provided their health doesn’t throw a spanner in the works. So how do you do it so that sex can still be pleasurable and exciting in old age?
Sex at eighty?
At twenty, one feels that people at forty, who are already old iron, cannot possibly have an exciting sex life.
Around the age of forty, you are convinced that you have never had a better sexual experience than you have today. At the same time, one may hope that for persons in bed at the age of sixty, the minimum still applies.
As soon as you’re sixty, it pinches here and there, but the desire for sex remains unbroken. One suspects, it is the octogenarians who have drawn the lot of a life without sex.
At the age of eighty, the question arises as to how anyone could ever believe that a life without the thought of sex was even possible.
So sex will always play a role in our lives. However, the body and with it the sex and the thoughts around sex sometimes change very strongly in the course of life, so that sex in old age is often quite different…
After 50 – The time for the best sex of your life
So, in “young” years, it’s often about performance, stamina, and steadfastness. You should try out as much as possible. This applies to the number of partners, sex positions, or sex practices. You should not do things you don’t want or fake feelings. But, sex changes in old age, at the latest after 50. The time has come for the best sex of your life.
The pressure for unsurpassed performance is no longer there during sex in old age. Instead, the focus is on love for your partner and the desire to give each other beautiful hours. The tenderness comes more to the fore and less the urge to rush as possible towards climax.
Contraception is no longer an issue in sex in old age, which leads to new freedom and informality.
Everything could be so beautiful. But, the body weakens and always puts obstacles in the way of pleasure. Sex in old age can therefore become a problem.
Menopause – a stumbling block for sex in old age
Menopause is not a state of weakness, but the years of hormonal change are often a real challenge – both for the woman herself and her relationship. Mood swings, vaginal dryness, and many other ailments can accompany menopause. Irritability and hot flashes don’t do it. Neither does dry vaginal mucosa. They don’t fuel the desire for sex. All that’s missing is an uncomprehending partner and the love life is dead for the time being.
If there is also another health problem (diabetes? Hypertension? Thyroid problems?) or the partner is struggling with some issue an improvement and thus sex in old age seems far off.
Diseases that can affect sex in old age
Diabetes, high blood pressure, gout, cardiovascular problems, bladder weakness and many others often come to light from a certain age. Most of these chronic diseases are the biggest enemies of successful and pleasurable sex in old age. They have an immediate and massive influence not only on the general well-being, but also on the health of the genital organs and the development of personal libido (desire for sex).
Diabetes interferes with sex life
As one of the most important side effects of diabetes, erectile dysfunction (occurs in many diabetic men). Diabetes can lead to circulatory and nervous dysfunction (potency disorder). All three factors have an enormous impact on sex in old age. Because if the hormonal balance is disturbed and in addition, the sexual organs are no longer supplied with blood or their nerves no longer function, then the lustful feelings say goodbye very quickly, and erections rarely do the honors.
It’s not much different for women with diabetes. They suffer from loss of libido and orgasm difficulties. Sex in old age therefore does not have such a good chance with diabetes.
Sex in old age – difficult with joint problems
Joint problems such as osteoarthritis and arthritis are common and therefore also common adversaries for sex in old age. Joint problems not only make you immobile, they can also cause enormous pain.
Therefore, very few people think about sex when they are in the middle of an arthritis attack or can only move around in agony as a result of osteoarthritis.
High cholesterol affects potency and libido
Sex in old age is itself negatively affected by high cholesterol. As is well known, high cholesterol levels can lead to fatty deposits in the blood vessels, vasoconstriction (arteriosclerosis) and thus to circulatory disorders. The latter, of course, also in the sexual organs, which both prevents an erection in men and reduces the intensity of feeling in women. Neither is exactly favorable for sex in old age.
Thyroid diseases interfere with your sex life
Even a diseased thyroid gland, especially an underactive thyroid, can quite consistently keep both libido and potency and thus sex at a distance in old age.
Sex in old age – Not with obesity
Not only does being overweight make you immobile and, to a certain extent, unsuitable for all the pleasures of most Kama Sutra postures, but being overweight is also considered a risk factor for many of the problems already listed.
Whether it’s high cholesterol, diabetes or the high blood pressure mentioned below, obesity is often at the beginning of the process. If, on the other hand, excess weight is reduced, the symptoms often disappear – and with them potency and libido problems. So the chances of great sex in old age are all the better the sooner the excess weight melts away.
Prostate problems prevent sex in old age
Of course, prostate enlargement, which is widespread in old age, is also a common reason for potency problems and can therefore successfully block sex in old age.
Sex in old age with high blood pressure?
High blood pressure is also unfavorable for sex in old age and a fulfilling love life. High blood pressure can damage the blood vessels in the penis, leading to impotence. Far more often, however, it is not the high blood pressure itself that makes sex less and less rare in old age, but the medications that not only lower blood pressure, but also pleasure – in both men and women.
Tragically, blood pressure medication is not an isolated case here.
Impotence and loss of libido due to medication
So even if the diseases mentioned still leave the sex life unscathed, it is not uncommon for the decisive knockout blow to follow – latest with the wrong medication. In addition to medicines for high blood pressure, other medications can also have an enormous impact on sexual performance and/or libido. These include medications for diabetes, gout, depression, heart problems (diuretics), some gastrointestinal complaints, benign prostate enlargement and even hair loss. Even painkillers such as ASA and ibuprofen, which are used for rheumatism, as well as several cholesterol-lowering drugs, can put a severe damper on potency and libido.
If you now consider how many people over the age of fifty or sixty take one or more of the drugs mentioned, then no one needs to wonder about the erectile dysfunction and libido disorders that are widespread in this age group.
Sex in old age often seems to be only possible if the pharmaceutical industry allows it.
Sex in old age – Does the blue pill help?
Of course, you can now freely shrug your shoulders and say to yourself, sex in old age? No problem! What is the blue pill (sildenafil, e.g. Viagra) for?
Sildenafil, however, is not recommended for many age-related ailments. Especially in the case of diabetes or after prostate surgery, the substance must not be used, not to mention its side effects. So a lover who swindles his partner with Viagra is certainly not the most convincing. Therefore, you should not rely on the miracle pill for sex in old age.
So let’s get to work with a vacuum pump and rubber ring? If you are into injections, you can also administer an injection of blood circulation-promoting drugs directly into the penis shortly before the act. And if all else fails, you can have a pump implanted in your scrotum and a silicone prosthesis in the holy of holies. With the pump, you then pump liquid into your brand new silicone penis and you’re ready to go. Really? – I don’t think so.
Avoiding the ailments of old age – saving your love life
Maybe all this doesn’t sound quite so tempting to your ears and you’d rather be able to enjoy your love life and sex in old age in peace – without pills, without a doctor and without a pump?
Well, you can actually save your love life just by avoiding the usual so-called age-related complaints to a large extent. In this way, you not only escape the sex-hostile consequences of these diseases, but also the potency- and libido-damaging medications that are prescribed for diabetes and the like. You don’t have to worry about blue pills or penis pumps anymore.
Holistic measures against age-related complaints
Whatever your problem is, it is always important to have the right diet rich in vital substances and excess alkaline, a healthy intestinal flora, sufficient exercise in the fresh air, enough vitamin D and regular detoxification programs. Follow the links behind the respective terms and you will find the appropriate holistic and naturopathic measures on how to prevent the usual symptoms of old age or how you can alleviate them in a healthy way – if they are already there.
You will see that in this way more momentum will automatically come into your love life.
Would you like to make your love life more beautiful and fulfilling right now – despite health impairments? Maybe you’re just missing that decisive kick that many natural remedies have in store for you.
Natural remedies for the best sex in old age
Special dietary supplements can have an extremely positive effect on those bodily functions that are responsible for potency and libido and thus for successful sex.
These include, for example, maca, capsaicin, the amino acid arginine or the golden-yellow saffron extract.
Saffron for erectile dysfunction
Saffron extract has a potency-enhancing effect especially when erectile dysfunction occurs as a side effect of antidepressants.
Even with 15 mg of saffron extract twice a day, the potency problems disappeared in 60 percent of the men who had participated in a corresponding study.
In women, the same dose of saffron increases the production of lubricant after four weeks, so that possible vaginal dryness can be alleviated.
And since saffron also has antidepressant effects, in some cases it can also help to reduce the dose of antidepressants administered.
Medicinal mushroom cordyceps increases dwindling potency
The medicinal mushroom Cordyceps is also a natural preparation that can help your sex life get off the ground. Cordyceps has a libido- and potency-enhancing effect in several ways and was therefore in the past also THE remedy for rich men in ancient China, who only entered their harem with a good dose of cordyceps.
Modern scientific studies then showed on several hundred men who had to struggle with potency disorders that cordyceps was able to help 64 percent of these men to regain increased potency. In the placebo group, it was only 24 percent.
The Cordyceps medicinal mushroom has a targeted effect on the sexual organs (testicles, penis and uterus). For example, it increases blood flow in the penis, which promotes erections, improves semen formation and regulates the sex hormone balance. Details on how to choose the right cordyceps supplement, how to use it and how to use it can be found in the link above.
But no matter how many supplements or potency-enhancing drugs you take, your love life will not work perfectly until you have cracked the secret of communication in your partnership.
Sex in old age – Communicate with your partner!
Even if physical complaints, for example, lack the former hard erection or lead to vaginal dryness in the woman, all this does not automatically mean the end of a fulfilled love life and good sex in old age. There is a solution for almost everything! First and foremost, the secret recipe is: communication!
How is your partner supposed to know that you feel pain during sex due to vaginal dryness if you don’t tell them? How is your partner supposed to understand you and respond to you if you withdraw depressed because of your not-so-hard erection, but don’t want to talk about it?
So communicate and then find solutions together for your very individual fulfilling sex in old age.
Sex problems in old age – finding solutions together
In a partnership, neither partner is under pressure to do this or that during sex. In a partnership, there is deep trust, which is the basis for wonderful sex – even if the partners are older and even if there are physical complaints. For example, you can look together for ways to successfully shape sex in old age despite physical complaints and to enjoy it in a relaxed way.
Sex in old age with the right lubricant
Vaginal dryness often stands in the way of pleasurable sex in old age. However, you and your partner could try a natural lubricant to help you get rid of vaginal dryness.
A diet rich in beta carotene or vitamin A also has a very beneficial effect on the vaginal mucous membranes and their ability to produce moisture. In addition, there are numerous naturopathic options to gently regulate the hormonal balance.
The right position for sex in old age
Maybe you just need a new, more comfortable position to be able to be sexually active despite the back problems? Try positions that require less effort for both of you. In view of joint and muscle pain, which may occur more frequently in old age, it can be somewhat challenging to find a suitable position for both partners.
However, the use of pillows as a base for selected areas of the body can bring the desired relaxation and give both partners more pleasure during lovemaking. Sex in old age can often be significantly improved even with very simple methods.
What to do if you don’t have an erection?
If there is no erection for the time being, the woman can also push the penis into herself – even if it is small and flabby. With sensitive movements, it often grows to its full size soon. And if not? Then you stay relaxed and without any expectations. After all, there are many more ways to give each other fulfillment than with the sexual act alone.
How about, for example, methods that have been unusual for you? Thus, oral sex or practiced dexterity can rock you to seventh heaven without an erection to be seen far and wide. Yes, often women who complain of vaginal dryness would be downright pleased if there was no penetration and they could get enjoyment elsewhere in the body instead.
Often, the physical closeness to the partner, the feeling of his naked skin and the mutual caressing is such a unique pleasure and fills with so much love and joy about the presence of the other that the need for penetration completely fades into the background.
Sex in old age – pelvic floor training helps man and woman
In order to invigorate sex in old age in the long term, joint pelvic floor training is a good idea. Pelvic floor training helps men ejaculate more and has better control over the penis, while women can take advantage of the exercises to both manage bladder weakness and keep the vagina healthy and toned. The Jade Egg works wonders here for women.
Stay sexually active!
Also, stay sexually active if possible! For both men and women, regular sex has positive effects on the heart and immune system, ensures better sleep, healthy blood pressure and, of course, a better mood.
In men, the blood flow to the genitals also improves and the risk of developing prostate cancer decreases. For women, regular sex helps maintain vaginal elasticity and the ability to orgasm. This prevents painful sex, which is often seen after prolonged sexual inactivity.
Again, don’t think exclusively of wild sex encounters for two with this tip. Masturbating – in all comfort and all alone with the person who knows best what is good for you (yourself) – also belongs in the category of sexual activities.
Prerequisite for good sex in old age: health and close partnership
You can see that the desire for perfect sex in old age can demand enormous commitment from you, and that’s a good thing. Because all the measures that will help you to have great sex even at your diamond wedding have a positive effect on your whole body. They remain well build, sporty, attractive and, last but not least, mentally fit.
Therefore, it is usually those people who enjoy a fulfilling sex life into old age, who have been devoting themselves to a healthy lifestyle for many decades, who spend their time less often at the family doctor and instead enjoy sports and a healthy diet.
They are people who also value an intimate relationship with their partner and do not just have sex as a compulsory program or for personal satisfaction. Both together – health and a loving, sincere partnership – create the conditions for fulfilling sex in old age, at fifty, sixty, seventy and also at eighty or ninety.