Those who enjoy tea regularly over the years have a more powerful brain. However, according to a study, there are three specific types of tea that have this effect.
Tea protects the brain from age-related decline
In a study (2) by the National University of Singapore(NUS), researchers discovered that regular tea drinkers have better connected brain regions than non-tea drinkers – a condition associated with better cognitive function. For the study, which was published in the journal ‘Aging’, the neuroimaging data of 36 older adults were evaluated.
According to Lei Feng, the assistant professor from the Institute of Medical Psychology at NUS who led the study, ‘our findings indicate that tea consumption can have a beneficial impact on brain structures and may shield the brain against age-related decay.’
Tea reduces risk of cognitive decline by 50 percent
Previous studies had already shown that tea drinking can have positive effects on human health, such as improving mood or preventing cardiovascular disease. As early as 2016, Lei Feng published a study (3) according to which daily tea drinking can reduce the risk of cognitive decline by about 50 percent in older people (compared to non-tea drinkers).
After this observational study, Lei Feng and his team now conducted another study in which they examined the direct effects of tea consumption on brain structures.
These three types of tea – drunk four times a week – protect the brain
The 36 study participants were 60 years and older. After analyzing their data, neuropsychological tests and neuroimaging images of the subjects, the scientists discovered that those participants who had drunk green tea, oolong tea or black tea at least 4 times a week over the past 25 years had brain regions that were more efficiently networked than in non-tea drinkers, which then also explained the better cognitive functions.
Tea prevents age-related disorders in the brain
Professor Feng explains that if we use road traffic as an analogy, the various regions of the brain can be compared to different cities connected by a road network. An efficient road network allows road users to travel faster and with fewer resources between point A and B. Similarly, a well-connected brain network enables faster and more efficient communication between brain regions with minimal energy consumption.
During the aging process, disturbances occur here again and again. To stay with the comparison of road traffic: Fallen trees, debris or road damage make some roads impassable. More and more detours have to be accepted, which leads to more and more traffic jams and time delays with ever higher energy consumption. Regular tea drinking seems to prevent these age-related disorders.