Hidden Health Risks in Meat and Milk

Meat and milk – healthy or harmful?

Meat has been a controversial food for decades. Apart from the ethical questionability of its consumption, there is a number of indications that meat can affect health.

For example, we have already reported on links between meat consumption and increased cancer risk, between meat consumption and an increasing risk of heart disease and diabetes, and between meat consumption and chronic inflammatory bowel disease.

However, the risk of these diseases from meat consumption is very likely to increase only if meat is eaten in excessive quantities, if it is industrially processed or consumed in poor quality, and if it is combined with an overall inferior diet and lifestyle.

Are you also programmed for milk?

Milk, however, still has a predominantly excellent reputation. Most people are programmed through advertising, media, doctors, etc. in such a way that the belief that milk is good for themselves is deeply anchored in them.

And indeed, lactose intolerance and milk protein allergy affect only a small part of the population. So why worry about the milk?

Here, too, we have written about the rather subtle harmful effect of milk, which manifests itself in significantly more people than the conspicuous symptoms of lactose intolerance or milk protein allergy that appear immediately after milk consumption.

For many people, milk leads to chronic mucus in the respiratory tract and/or digestive problems (which have nothing to do with lactose intolerance). The consequences are frequently recurring colds, sore throats, nasal polyps, middle ear infections and – if the milk affects the intestines – chronic constipation up to diffuse headaches ( 1 ).

In the case of problems of this kind, it is therefore enormously worthwhile to experimentally avoid dairy products for two to three months, for example. Often, there is an improvement in the symptoms in a much shorter time – of course, if the milk was actually responsible for the symptoms.

In addition, the negative influence of milk on and some forms of cancer has been scientifically proven. We recommend you read: The China Project.

Now, however, another aspect appears on the scientific horizon that explains how meat and milk can be detrimental to human health.

Meat and milk smuggle pathogens into the consumer’s body

Pathogens* seem to enter the bodies of meat and dairy consumers together with animal proteins – like stowaways. There, it is said, they would then be able to trigger all health problems in the long term, which are now known as chronic degenerative diseases of civilization.

Alzheimer’s: Consequence of meat and milk consumption?

In Alzheimer’s patients, for example, there are sometimes more than 100 pathogens in the brain. Germs that have no place there. Germs that, contrary to any explanatory models, apparently overcame both the intestinal barrier and the blood-brain barrier and latently infected the brain largely unnoticed by the immune system ( 13 ).

The excessive formation of antimicrobial protein plaque (amyloid β protein), which in Alzheimer’s disease increasingly restricts brain functions and triggers the typical symptoms of dementia, is probably only an attempt by the body to eliminate the pathogens or keep the infection in check ( 15 ).

But how did the pathogens get into the body in the first place?

For years, scientists have been feverishly searching for the source of infection and the route of infection, but seemingly without result. In 2005, a scientific article was published that formulated the hypothesis that the central route of infection is likely to be through food (Bardor, 2005). But this aspect is still ignored by large parts of science today.

Milk and meat: cause of many diseases?

According to Bardor and colleagues, the germs are to be introduced into the human organism via the consumption of mammalian meat, which then leads to infections, which in turn can be the starting point not only for Alzheimer’s, but also for many other chronic degenerative diseases.

The meat (or milk) serves the pathogens as a kind of Trojan horse with which they can enter the human body – unnoticed by the immune system.

The vulnerability or Trojan horse is the so-called SIGLECs.

Every animal and human cell forms very specific proteins on its surface. The structure of these proteins shows the immune system whether it is an endogenous cell, a substance that is well-disposed towards the body, or perhaps rather an enemy, i.e. a foreign cell or a harmful substance, such as poisons or pathogens.

An important part of these surface proteins are the SIGLECs mentioned above. There are 14 mammalian-specific SIGLECs. The first SIGLEC, SIGLEC-1, was discovered in 1986 (Crocker, 1986). In the course of the article, two SIGLECs in particular will be discussed, SIGLEC-5 and SIGLEC-12.

The term SIGLEC is an abbreviation for “Sia-recognizing IG-like LECtins” (sialic acid-recognizing lectins). The main task of SIGLECs is to regulate the body’s immune response. How do the SIGLECs do this ( 2 ) ( 4 )?

The purpose of SIGLECs: protection against autoimmune reactions

Harmless germs, such as beneficial intestinal bacteria, attach themselves to the SIGLECs of the intestinal cells without destroying them. In this way, the innate immune system recognizes that these gut bacteria are harmless and is reassured (3).

Dangerous germs, on the other hand, damage the SIGLECs and consequently alert the immune system.

SIGLECs are also found on the sex cells, i.e. on sperm and egg cells. This is to prevent different species from reproducing with each other. Animal sperm, recognizable by its unique SIGLEC structure, would therefore be quickly killed in a human uterus.

Cells of particularly sensitive organs such as those of the brain have an exceptionally high density of SIGLECs. One advantage of this large number of SICLECs is that the cells in question are better protected against autoimmune diseases, i.e. against the attack of the immune system on the body’s own cells.

Diseases such as multiple sclerosis or Parkinson’s are prevented in the healthy body by this mechanism, among other things. For example, there are over 100 million SIGLECs on a single nerve cell in the brain – a protective mechanism of the brain that has been secured in many ways against erroneous attacks by its own immune defenses.

SIGLECs as a Trojan horse for pathogens

Unfortunately, some pathogens have learned to camouflage themselves. They hide under their host’s SIGLECs. Herpes viruses, for example, hide behind the SIGLECs of the affected person – undisturbed by the immune system.

Although the person is infected, however, he initially remains asymptomatic. The immune system does not notice anything and consequently does not sound the alarm. This is called a latent infection. Only in special situations (stress, weakness, etc.) do the viruses come into action and, in the case of herpes viruses, lead to the outbreak of cold sores, shingles, etc. – depending on the type of herpes.

This can also be seen in a similar way in animals, e.g. cattle: Bacteria have learned to remain hidden behind their SIGLECs. Neither the cattle are harmed, nor is the bacterium attacked by its immune system.

In the latent phase, there is therefore no serious danger to either cattle or humans. Bacteria and host live in a kind of compromise: both survive and can reproduce.

It only becomes problematic when the pathogens are exchanged via the food chain, for example when humans eat the meat of a cow. Eating meat can therefore be risky.

However, this was not always the case!

Milk and red meat: No humane food

A so-called evolutionary “bottleneck” in ancient times is said to have made us more susceptible to the SIGLEC infection pathway.

About 2 million years ago, almost all of humanity was wiped out by the malaria strain P. reichenowi. The malaria pathogen nested behind SIGLECs-5 and -12, but remained fatal to the humans of the time even in this latent stage.

Only a small part of the former humanity is said to have survived this catastrophe (Hawks, 2000; Varki, 2009) – and it is precisely this survival of only a few specimens of a formerly large population that is referred to as the “evolutionary bottleneck” ( 7 ) ( 12 ).

But why did some people survive?

The survivors had a very special advantage, a mutation. They lacked SIGLECs No. 5 and 12, so that the malaria parasites had no hiding place and therefore could not survive in the body, let alone multiply.

Of course, the survivors were resistant not only to the form of malaria described, but to all pathogens that could hide behind SIGLEC-5 and -12. And because these few survivors are the ancestors of all 7.2 billion people alive today, none of us owns SIGLEC-5 or SIGLEC-12 anymore. At the same time, we all have immunity to malaria P. reichenowi.

This is not bad in relation to this particular malaria. But there is a small problem: SIGLEC-5 and -12 have now completely disappeared from all human cell surfaces. However, all other mammalian species still possess SIGLEC-5 and -12 – and so do those mammals whose products (milk and meat) are consumed today.

In the course of all the many years (since the malaria catastrophe), the immune system should have learned to recognize foreign SIGLEC-5 and -12, which enter the organism with milk and meat, no longer as endogenous, but as foreign to the body.

But that never happened. Why not?

Possibly because the milk of foreign mammals and red mammal meat had probably never been consumed as frequently and in such large quantities as it is today.

How meat and milk can make you sick

However, cattle or pigs now harbor various germs behind their SIGLECs 5 and 12, which are usually harmless to them. They are, comparable to the human herpes infection described above, almost asymptomatic (latent) infected.

Bovine SIGLECs, for example, tend to hide bacteria such as E. coli, tuberculosis pathogens or streptococci – i.e. germs that the animals harbor in their intestines because they need them for their digestion.

If humans eat meat or dairy products, the germs attached to SIGLEC-5 and -12 find a new host in them.

The innate human immune system cannot distinguish these two SIGLECs from its own when they come in from the outside and thus treats them like the body’s own protein. They remain completely unmolested. Consequently, they not only reach deep into the human organism, but are also incorporated into the body’s own tissue ( 11 ). A not quite healthy intestinal barrier (leaky gut) is likely to promote this process ( 6 ).

What is particularly fatal about this infection in humans is the high density of SIGLEC in the brain. This is because components of the foreign SIGLECs are incorporated into the human SIGLECs.

Now, where there are naturally many SIGLECs, many foreign SIGLECs – together with their bacteria in their luggage – can of course also be installed. And unfortunately, this is the case in the brain, so that the increased consumption of meat and milk can certainly be associated with an increased risk of Alzheimer’s.

However, it is not only the brain that is susceptible to SIGLEC-5 and 12-mediated infections, but also almost all other human tissues ( 16 ).

Chronic inflammation as the cause of many diseases

When the human immune system weakens – for whatever reason – these invaders can awaken from their dormant state. They come out of their hiding places and begin to spread throughout the human body. Lyme disease, tuberculosis and many other bacterial infectious diseases are said to have their origin here.

But even before the outbreak of the disease, i.e. in the stage of latent infection, chronic inflammatory processes occur that go unnoticed by the person concerned.

The innate immune system does not recognize the aliens. However, the acquired immune system senses the danger ( 8 ) and identifies the foreign SIGLECs as suspicious.

It is put into a slightly heightened state of alert, into a so-called low grade inflammation or cold inflammation. This slightly increased activation of the acquired immune system ensures the constant presence of certain antibodies in the blood ( 10 ), which permanently provokes low-grade inflammatory processes.

Although these do not trigger any acute symptoms, it is known that chronic low-grade inflammatory processes are at the beginning of many chronic degenerative diseases. These include, for example, chronic inflammatory bowel diseases, arthritis, neurodermatitis and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.

It is now also known that chronic inflammatory processes also play a very important role in many other chronic diseases, such as diabetes, some types of cancer (e.g. colon cancer), Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, arteriosclerosis, fibromyalgia, ankylosing spondylitis, tinnitus, asthma, acne, psoriasis, celiac disease, allergies and many more.

Consequently, the consumption of mammalian meat with a simultaneous lack of exercise (see below) is discussed in expert circles as one of the most important factors for the aforementioned low grade inflammation ( 9 ).

SIGLECs: To blame for childlessness?

It even goes so far that the SIGLECs are held responsible for involuntary childlessness. If a man regularly eats red meat, for example, some foreign SIGLECs are incorporated into his sperm.

The woman’s uterus then does not recognize “human sperm” in it, as it has surface proteins from other mammals. The cells that are mistakenly recognized as foreign are attacked by the woman’s antibodies that have become active in the uterus ( 5 ).

So what could be done to prevent the incorporation of foreign SIGLECs into one’s own body?

No more meat and milk?

Every animal protein contains SIGLECs. Consequently, a transmission of SIGLECs and thus possibly also of the germs hidden underneath can only occur through the consumption of animal protein.

In plain language: The consumption of animal protein – this has been proven for mammalian meat and milk – always carries the risk that foreign SIGLECs will enter the organism of the eater undisturbed and even be incorporated there, which leads to the effects of latent infection as described.

Whether species-appropriate free-range farming, wild or industrial factory farming – unfortunately, the way of life of the animals probably does not play a role in the SIGLEC aspect.

By omitting mammalian meat and milk, you dry out the described source of infection to a large extent.

If you have previously consumed mammalian meat and milk in large quantities, you can quickly remedy the infection in the following ways:

The 30-day program frees you

Avoid any mammalian protein for 30 days. If there are no other reasons not to, you can continue to eat poultry meat, eggs (both of which should always of impeccable origin) and wild fish.

After 30 days, your organism has eliminated the majority of the foreign SIGLECs (Bergfeld, 2012) and you are human again from a cell biological point of view: Your organism has then exchanged the foreign SIGLECs previously ingested through food for its own SIGLECs.

But be careful: If the SIGLECs are eliminated, the pathogens hidden behind them become homeless and now enter your bloodstream freely. The immune system now has full access to these pathogens and will also take care of them.

However, depending on the amount of pathogens now circulating in the body and depending on the state of your immune system, the latter could also be overwhelmed, so you should support your immune system as much as possible.

The SIGLEC-free diet

Vegetable proteins, on the other hand, are completely free of SIGLEC-5 and SIGLEC-12 and are therefore completely harmless from a SIGLEC point of view.

The following animal protein sources are also low in foreign SIGLECs ( 14 ):

  • Poultry: ostrich, chicken, turkey, duck, pheasant, etc.
  • Eggs
  • Fish, haddock, shellfish
  • Reptiles, amphibians
  • Insects, larvae, worms

Sport protects against third-party SICLECs

Apart from a diet low in SICLEC, physical exercise can also protect against SICLECs – even if they are consumed.

To do this, meat should only be consumed after a strenuous workout. In this case, the components of the foreign SIGLECs in question are – to put it simply – incinerated, as they are conveniently so-called sugar residues.

Without prior exercise, however, meat and milk consumption – possibly for breakfast, as is common in the Western Hemisphere – is problematic.


So if we eat mammalian meat and dairy products every day and do not exercise sufficiently much and intensively beforehand, we constantly expose ourselves to a dangerous source of infection and put our acquired immune system in a low-grade permanent alert position, which is the starting point of most modern civilization diseases.

Without the consumption of mammalian protein, neither foreign SIGLECs nor the pathogens hidden behind them enter the body.

You can almost completely eliminate foreign SIGLEC components already integrated into your own body and also established pathogens within 30 days by avoiding mammalian protein.


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