Study: Olive oil protects the liver

Scientific research is increasingly focusing on one of the most delicious foods in Mediterranean cuisine – olive oil. It has long been known that olive oil is healthy. Not only does it help prevent depression and fight inflammation, but it has also proven to be effective in the fight against breast cancer cells. A new study has now revealed olive oil’s ability to protect the liver from oxidative stress.

Study shows: Olive oil protects against oxidative stress

Oxidative stress is associated with a number of health problems and is also considered an undesirable accelerator of the aging process. Mohamed Hammami from the University of Monastir in Tunisia and the King Saudi University in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, worked with 80 laboratory rats. The animals were exposed to the slightly toxic herbicide 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, which is known to cause oxidative stress, i.e. to consume antioxidants.

Dr. Hammami divided the animals into different groups. One group received the usual diet, another received a diet enriched with pure extra virgin olive oil , a third received a diet enriched with a hydrophilic olive oil extract, and a fourth ate a diet variant containing a lipophilic olive oil extract (1).

Extra virgin olive oil protects the liver

Each of the unfortunate rats showed significant liver damage. However, both those fed the extra virgin olive oil and those fed a diet enriched with hydrophilic olive oil extract showed a significant increase in the activity of antioxidant enzymes. In addition, these rats showed a dramatic reduction in biomarkers of liver damage.

Antioxidant protection through extra virgin olive oil

Dr. Hammami explained in a press release that both extra virgin olive oil and hydrophilic olive oil extract are extremely effective components of meals or supplements that can counteract the oxidative stress caused by toxins and thus provide direct antioxidant protection to liver cells.

“Extra virgin olive oil has great health benefits”

“Olive oil is an important part of the Mediterranean diet. Scientific evidence for its great health benefits is growing. It is certain that extra virgin olive oil can reduce the risk of coronary heart disease, prevent some types of cancer, strengthen the immune system and prevent inflammatory processes,”

explained Dr. Hammami in another statement. “We have now also shown that extra virgin olive oil and its extracts protect against oxidative damage to liver tissue.”


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