Candida Albicans Overview

Candida is a yeast fungus that can be found on the mucous membranes of many people. As long as the fungus does not spread excessively, it does not pose a threat to our health. However, if a Candida infection occurs, which can manifest itself as vaginal thrush, intestinal fungus or fungal disease of the mouth and throat, this has very unpleasant and sometimes dangerous consequences for our body.

What is Candida?

Candida albicans is a specific species of the fungal genus Candida and the most common pathogen of the so-called candidiasis (an infectious disease with Candida fungi).

Candida are yeast fungi that can settle especially on our mucous membranes in the genital area, in the mouth and throat or in the intestines. Often Candida can already be on our body without us noticing, which doesn’t have to be a big deal as long as the fungus doesn’t spread excessively. On the contrary – Candida is even said to have a useful function in the case of heavy metal poisoning. The fungus can apparently mitigate the negative effects of heavy metal contamination by binding heavy metals.

Therefore, according to Dr. med. Dietrich Klinghardt: Before a Candida treatment, first remove the toxic heavy metals that may have accumulated in the body.

Symptoms of Candida albicans infection

When Candida spreads, it can lead to unpleasant symptoms in different parts of the body – depending on where the infection breaks out.

A Candida infection can manifest itself on the one hand as a burning vaginal fungus, as an unpleasant fungal infestation in the mouth and throat or as a intestinal fungus.

As the name Candida albicans (lat. glossy white) suggests, a Candida infection causes a glossy white coating and foam to form in the affected areas in addition to the redness.

Nail fungus or athlete’s foot, on the other hand, are caused by other fungal species, because Candida infections are characterized by the fact that they occur on moist and warm parts of the body – i.e. mainly on the mucous membranes.

The symptoms of a Candida infection are not only unpleasant, but can also have more serious health consequences. Therefore, a Candida infection should not be given a chance to spread and harm our health.

Candida infections often underestimated

Conventional physicians believe that a Candida infection can be precisely localized and contained. However, holistic doctors know that in most cases the whole body is affected.

Increased attention should be paid to the intestines in particular when an infection with Candida albicans is detected. In most infections with the fungus, it is extremely likely that the intestines are also affected – especially if the infection recurs over and over again.

Consequences of a Candida infection

Candida infections often go undetected – especially if Candida spreads in the intestine, where the fungal infection cannot be seen obviously. However, you can easily do a Candida test at home with the help of a glass of water (see further below).

The consequences of a Candida infection can be varied and range from flatulence to diarrhea and heartburn to fatigue, headaches, brain fog, kidney damage or sinus infections. These phenomena are often not associated with a fungal disease.

The consequences of a Candida infection are so diverse because an existing fungal infection permanently weakens our entire immune system.

A large part of our immune system is located in the intestine and when the intestine is affected by Candida, this also weakens the immune system massively.

In this case, the body’s own defenses are constantly busy fighting against an existing Candida infection. The immune system is therefore permanently in action and has hardly any capacity left for other problems.

Autoimmune disease or fungal infection?

In addition to the symptoms mentioned above, Candida albicans can also trigger asthma and allergies, among other things.

In the worst case, its harmful effects on the intestinal flora contribute to the development of intestinal diseases such as Crohn’s disease and celiac disease.

Even the risk of mental illnesses such as depression and schizophrenia increases with Candida albicans.

However, conventional physicians often suspect psychosomatic or non-specific autoimmune diseases behind such symptoms, and do not even get to the bottom of the actual cause – i.e. the fungal infection.

Vaccine against Candida infection

In recent months, researchers have been increasingly busy developing a vaccine against Candida. Of course, as a vaccine manufacturer, you could earn a lot of money with this, because Candida infections are becoming more and more common – women in particular are suffering more and more from Candida in the form of vaginal thrush.

But who knows what side effects such a vaccine will have? The severe side effects of the swine flu vaccination were also not officially confirmed until years after the vaccine was introduced.

It is much easier and safer to prevent or treat a Candida infection naturally. If you know the causes of a Candida infection, this is hardly a problem.

Causes of Candida infection

Fungi such as Candida thrive in principle wherever the natural balance has been lost and therefore in both an acidic and an alkaline environment.

If, for example, the pH value in the large intestine or vagina rises, then the protective shield normally present there in the form of sufficient lactic acid bacteria (and other positive microorganisms) is missing. These prevent excessive settlement of fungi – due to the low pH value they reduce, and also due to their presence, which does not provide fungi with a place to settle and strengthens the mucous membranes so that they are less susceptible to fungal adhesion.

The composition of microorganisms in the body therefore plays an important role in how far fungi can spread on our mucous membranes.

If these microorganisms (which are called intestinal flora in the intestine and vaginal flora in the vagina) are damaged, e.g. after taking antibiotics, a Candida infection has free rein.

Candida undermines the immune system

Almost everyone who has to deal with a serious condition is also affected by Candida. Either it is the disease that weakens the organism so much that Candida can gain the upper hand. Or the fungus is partly responsible for the disease. A fungal infection weakens the organism and the immune system in such a lasting way that serious health problems can also threaten.

Although not even a dozen of the more than two hundred Candida types infect humans, these few species have it all.

Scientists found that Candida albicans can trick the immune system by changing the shape of the fungus. Thus, it can occur simultaneously in the same organism in different forms.

In this way, it prevents an appropriate immune reaction and can continue to spread undisturbed.

Candida test at home

You can do this first Candida test as developed byRobert Harrison in the morning on an empty stomach.

THE TEST: In the evening, put a clear glass of water by your bed. First thing in the morning, briefly rinse your mouth, swallow, then gather some saliva in your mouth and spit into the glass of water (be sure to spit out saliva, not mucus). Keep an eye on the water for half an hour — especially the first few minutes. If you have candida overgrowth, you will see one or more of the following:

  1. Strings (legs) hanging down from the saliva.
  2. Heavy-looking saliva at the bottom of the glass.
  3. Cloudy specks suspended in the water.

If, within three minutes after spitting into the water, you see “strings” hanging down, cloudy specks showing up in the water, or “debris” sinking to the bottom, you most likely have extensive overgrowth, which will require more candida-fighting action on your part.

If it takes longer than a few minutes for anything to show up, the candida is not as serious.

If the saliva just floats on top and the water stays perfectly clear, you most likely don’t have candida overgrowth.

If you suspect that you have excessive Candida exposure, you can ask your doctor to carry out an appropriate examination. But there are also Candida tests that can be ordered online and carried out at home.

There are two different tests to choose from, which not only search for Candida, but either keep an eye on intestinal health as a whole (intestinal health check – stool test) or check the condition of the intestinal flora (flora status – stool test).

The complete stool analysis tests all parameters related to intestinal health, e.g. flora status, fungal load, condition of the intestinal mucosa, inflammation levels, digestive residues, digestive quality, pH value, etc.

In the Microbiome stool test, only the composition of the intestinal flora including a possible fungal load is checked. Both tests are accompanied by everything necessary for sample collection, including detailed instructions. You receive the result by post within a few days or can retrieve it online.

Candida Infection

A change in diet alone is usually not enough to combat a serious fungal infection.

In the case of a Candida infection, one should proceed holistically and practice both an alkaline-surplus diet and restore the intestinal and vaginal flora by building up with healthy probiotics.

Both also help to strengthen the immune system, which plays a crucial role in fighting Candida.

For intestinal care, intestinal cleansing can be carried out regularly – e.g. once a year – which helps prevent Candida infections.

If the Candida infection is present, a colon cleanse ensures that the infection is a thing of the past in a short time. Read more about colon cleansing here.

Another important point is that you should avoid sugar and other isolated carbohydrates (white flour, starch, white rice) in the event of a Candida infection, because Candida loves sugar and often thrives better the more sugar arrives in the body.

In addition to these basic steps, you can use various medicinal herbs or natural remedies as accompanying measures to bring the fungal infection under control as quickly as possible.

Natural Remedies for Candida Infections

Most of the following natural remedies that can help against Candida infections should not be used in too high quantities and not for more than 10 days without having a 5 day break – unless it is a pre-mixed product like Para-Pure-L.

Killing Candida too quickly causes too many toxic substances to be released from the inside of the fungi in one fell swoop. This can lead to reactions such as lightheadedness, headaches and chills. If these signs occur, one should reduce the dosage.

Sodium bicarbonate

Baking soda is an old home and remedy that has a strong alkaline effect. Oncologist Dr. Tullio Simoncini is convinced that baking soda has antifungal properties, as it helps regulate the acid-base balance and supplies the body with oxygen.


Although echinacea is praised for being able to prevent colds, this natural medicine is also good at fighting candida. Echinacea stimulates the immune system in particular, so that it can now take better action against the fungal disease. (2) (3)


Pomegranates (Punica granatum) have been shown to be extremely effective in the fight against candida. Studies have shown that the ingredient called punicalagin in particular can successfully fight candida. Punicalagin seems to break through the protective barrier of the fungus and thus kill it. ( 4 )

Grapefruit Seed Extract

Grapefruit seed extract is also often successful in fighting fungi or bacteria. However, you should approach the dose of grapefruit seed extract very low and increase it slowly so that the body is not too burdened by the toxins released by the destroyed fungi or bacteria. ( 5 )


Garlic is an excellent remedy against bacteria and fungi. Candida cannot survive in any environment where garlic is also present – so it is very helpful to eat garlic regularly. However, garlic should be eaten as fresh and raw as possible, because many valuable ingredients are lost during cooking, so that the anti-candida cure with garlic can actually only be carried out on holiday. ( 6 )

Coconut oil

The medium-chain fatty acids (caprylic and lauric acids) in coconut oil not only have an antibacterial effect, but also have an antifungal effect, so they also fight fungi. ( 7 ) ( 8 )

In order to fully develop the candida-fighting effect of coconut oil, you should consume three tablespoons of the oil every day (1 tablespoon 3 times a day).

If you also implement other candida fighting measures and, for example, add oregano oil to coconut oil, then the daily intake of coconut oil will be reduced. Details on the coconut oil-oregano cure for Candida can be found here: Oregano oil – The natural antibiotic

However, coconut oil has many other positive properties. Read more about the health-promoting effects of coconut oil at this link.

Colloidal Silver

Colloidal silver is an excellent remedy against bacteria and apparently even viruses. It also often helps well against fungi, especially when applied externally.

Colloidal silver is also known as a natural antibiotic and can be used both internally and externally. Silver has long been used in many forms against bacteria and fungi.

There are even garments such as socks, in which silver threads are woven, which are supposed to help prevent sweaty feet and athlete’s foot. (9)(10)


The neem tree is a tree whose effect is mainly used in Ayurvedic medicine.

The plant is known to stimulate the immune system and fight infections and fungal infestation. The neem tree or products from it are also used for detoxification, which also strengthens the body.

Neem tree oil, for example, can be applied directly to the affected areas of a Candida infection. ( 11 ) ( 12 )

Neem capsules can be taken in the case of internal Candida infestation, e.g. intestinal fungal infections or frequent vaginal thrush.

However, the capsules should not contain neem oil, as this would be too aggressive. Capsules with powdered neem leaves are therefore ideal.

Olive Leaf Extract

Oleuropein, an active ingredient from olive leaves, can also stop excessive growth of Candida. ( 13 ) To do this, olive leaf extract is taken in capsules. Make sure that the capsules are standardized to a guaranteed oleuropein content.

Oregano oil

Oregano oil contains a particularly high amount of effective phenols, which can be very helpful in the fight against bacterial infections, fungal infections and excessive candida growth. Especially the oil from wild oregano is known to be very effective against Candida infections. ( 14 )

Since pure oregano oil is not suitable for internal use undiluted, oregano oil capsules in which the oregano oil is diluted with high-quality olive oil are recommended for safe intake. In addition, the capsules should be standardized to a guaranteed content of carvacrol.

Carvacrol is the substance in oregano oil that is particularly effective against Candida, but also against intestinal parasites and bacteria. However, carvacrol is only in combination with the other ingredients and active ingredients of oregano oil.

It is therefore not recommended to take isolated carvacrol, which can have toxic effects.

Black walnut

A tincture of black walnuts (with green shell) made by an alcohol extract is a natural remedy that can very effectively fight parasites such as worms, but also fungi such as Candida.

The black walnut contains an extremely large number of valuable ingredients. Since most of these ingredients are found in the green shell around the actual nut, it is essential to use the shell when making the tincture. A few drops of walnut tincture in water can help the body rid itself of candida. ( 15 )

The black walnut shell can also be taken in capsule form.

Tea tree oil

According to several studies, the essential oil of the tea tree has an antifungal effect even in low concentrations. In two studies from 2001 and 2002, a 0.5 percent tea tree oil solution (in vitro) killed yeasts, while dermatophytes (filamentous fungi) could be eliminated with 1 percent solution. Since tea tree oil is also lipophilic in nature, it can penetrate the skin very well and is therefore ideal for external use in fungal skin infections.

However, higher concentrations are recommended for use in humans, e.g. at least 10 percent tea tree cream for athlete’s foot diseases and up to 100 percent solution for nail fungus infestation. The latter was just as effective as the usual antifungal drugs (clotrimazole) in one study. The tea tree oil must be applied at least twice a day.

In the case of candida infestation in the mouth, mouthwashes with a 5 percent tea tree oil solution can be used, which has already been shown to be helpful in AIDS patients with mouth fungus. Take a tablespoon (15 ml) of this solution four times a day, rinse the mouth with it and then spit out the solution again ( 17 ) ( 18 ) ( 19 ) ( 20 ). It is important not to mix the oil with water, but with an oil, as it does not dissolve in water and does not mix with it, so that irritation of the oral mucosa can occur.


Tabebuia, also known as lapacho, is a South American tree or family of trees whose inner bark has been used for many centuries to prepare a healing tea.

Lapacho tea is considered a natural and high-quality remedy, especially against Candida infections. Just one cup of Tabebuia tea a day can easily fight Candida. ( 16 )

Clary sage

The diterpenoids and sesquiterpenoids of clary sage (Salvia sclarea) have antimicrobial activity against Staphylococcus aureus, Candida albicans (21), and Proteus mirabilis.

Additional help with Candida infections

Of course, you do not use all of the mentioned remedies at the same time, but choose a combination of two or three remedies.

Other measures to contain a Candida infection are the following:

Special hygiene for Candida

In the case of vaginal thrush, which more and more women suffer from these days, special attention should be paid to special intimate hygiene.

Regular changing of the linen and its hot washing are of course mandatory. Only temperatures above 60°C can harm bacteria or fungi.

In the intimate zone, no care products should be used during a Candida infection – neither conventional nor alkaline. Pure water or washing with a highly diluted apple cider vinegar solution and then applying the anti-fungus coconut oil is the best option.

In the case of Candida infections of the skin, alkaline body care can often be helpful.

Alkaline care products or care products that contain, for example, colloidal silver or other antifungal substances, can have a very positive effect on the areas affected by a Candida infection.

Avoid stress and anxiety

Stress, anxiety or psychologically stressful situations weaken the body and its immune system. Therefore, with every illness and so also with a Candida infection, one should avoid stressful situations – if possible – and cope with the stress in everyday life or counteract it with relaxation methods.

Strengthen the immune system

An intact immune system is of course crucial to be able to put Candida in its place. A healthy diet with plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, which contain minerals, vitamins, antioxidants and other vital substances, strengthens our immune system in a natural way. As mentioned above, gut health is also a crucial factor for a functioning immune system. A healthy intestine with an intact intestinal flora is the basis for a healthy immune system. For example, if you keep your intestines clean with a colon cleanse, then a Candida infection has no chance.

Get a candida cleanse today!


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