The short answer is no!
In society we seldom talk about flatulence, with the exception of two teen age boys who seem utterly amused by farting and fart jokes. Most people tend to hide their flatulence from other members of society especially in public settings. Some people create diversions like coughing or dropping a book to distract from the audio portion of flatulence hoping it goes unnoticed. Generally speaking flatulence has a bad reputation not for the sound but for the assault on our olfactory senses.
What do the all the prime ministers in the world have in common? They all fart!
There are many theories on how to avoid flatulence and they all have to do with good healthful living, but even then it is impossible not to pass wind if you have a digestive system.
Some say that not talking at meal time reduces flatulence, but that goes against all of our cultural tradition. Not talking much at the dinner table will not be good news to my husband who turns into the Pope at dinner time and often spends a lot of time in endless monologue!
All joking aside, too much air in your stomach is the most likely explanation?
Everyone has flatulence, that’s normal. For example, air enters the gastrointestinal tract when we eat or drink and swallow air. Gases are also produced during digestion. Some people, however, have increased flatulence, their stomach is bloated, cramped and they feel full.
There are many reasons for that. Certain foods often have a flatulent effect. Sugars like lactose and fructose make the intestines rumble if they are not digested properly. A lack of digestive enzymes or irritable bowel syndrome can also be to blame. It is therefore important to find out the underlying cause if you experience such complaints.
How can you prevent flatulence?
Honestly it’s impossible to prevent! That said an excess of air in the stomach can often be prevented by eating at leisure. “Chew well, take small bites, take your time, drink in small sips, don’t talk too much when you eat. In addition: eat manageable portions, avoid raw vegetables such as salad in the evening, avoid foods that cause gas. These include onions, legumes, and cabbage, among others. “Some people are also sensitive to carbonated drinks, too much sugar or foods that are very high in fiber,” says Dr Fiederling, pharmacist.
Which home remedies help?
Spices make food easier to digest because they stimulate digestion, counteract gases and relieve cramps. Dr Fiederling lists a whole repertoire of herbs: fennel, anise, caraway, coriander, peppermint, sage, cinnamon, rosemary, ginger, juniper, lovage. Important: If these contain essential oils, it is best to lightly roast them or poke them in a mortar to release the oils. Alternatively, drink the medicinal plants in the form of a high-quality medicinal tea from the pharmacy.
Bitter substances also promote gastrointestinal activity. Those who can make friends with the taste either use bitter-tasting foods such as chicory. Or take a few drops of a bitter agent like ‘Swedish bitters’ just before eating.
Herbal products often contain ingredients of the above-mentioned spices, but in concentrated form. “Extracts from the herbal medicines in capsule or suppository form therefore have a more intense effect,” says the expert. Depending on which complaints are in the foreground, different medicinal herbs are used. Peppermint, for example, is known for its antispasmodic properties, while fennel and caraway seeds are known for their puffing up.
Tapping the belly where wind is stuck can relieve the pain and cramping for short periods.
Doing yoga poses like ,downward dog’ or twists can also help to relieve gas that is stuck.
Colon Hydrotherapy can help with flatulence, in particular in the large intestine.