Chelation Therapy, Allergy testing and treatments, Live Blood Analysis, Micro Analysis, Reconstructive / Prolotherapy, Hair Tissue mineral analysis

Chelation Therapy is a modality designed to remove toxic heavy metals and minerals from the body. It is a chemical process which incorporates the use of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid ( EDTA ) by injecting it into the bloodstream.

Once the EDTA enters the bloodstream is latches on to heavy metals like mercury, copper, lead, iron, aluminium, and , arsenic and removes them from the body by way of the bodies natural detoxification process. The Body eliminates the ETDA and therefore the heavy metals which are damaging the body and its normal function.

Allergy testing and treatments

Allergy testing and treatments

Allergies are the most ill-defined area of medicine and are often misdiagnosed because each persons genetic make up is different from the next. There are many common allergies and treatments but similar to dieting to lose weight, what works for some does not work for others.

Life threatening allergies such as an anaphylactic response to peanuts is uncommon and easily diagnosed. However, the cause of an allergic reaction like a runny nose often baffles practitioners.

Therefore, accurate testing from qualified sources is important to isolate the cause and avoid blanket treatments like antihistamines where they are not necessary.

The three main areas of allergic relations are;

  • Topical
  • Respiratory
  • Digestive

Most naturopaths, homeopaths, kinesiologists, herbalists, nutritionists and general practitioners can offer testing, diagnosis and treatment.

Live Blood Analysis

Live Blood Analysis

Live blood analysis is more of a service that a treatment modality. Hemaviewology or nutritional blood analysis is also referred to as live cell analysis.

The process involves the use of high-resolution dark field microscopy of live blood cells for the purpose of diagnosing a range of diseases, illnesses and maladies.

Micro Analysis

Micro Analysis

Microanalysis is exactly as the word describes the analysis of micro particles which form complex chemical substances in the body. Methodology is wide ranging and includes; mass spectrometry as well as ultraviolet–visible spectroscopy and infrared spectroscopy. Nuclear magnetic resonance, X-ray, liquid chromatography and numerous other methodologies and practices. All for the purpose of health factor diagnosis to treat and prevent disease, illness and malady.


Reconstructive / Prolotherapy

Reconstructive/Prolotherapy is an experimental prolozone therapy used as an investigational tool for diagnosis of chronic pain and inflammation in the joints and muscles. By injecting a sclerosant solution into the region of joints or ligaments that are believed to be the cause of the problem the Prolotherapy practitioner can assess and provide treatment protocols for the rectification of ailment or malady with a view to reducing pain and discomfort.

The therapy is also known as reconstructive ligament therapy or joint sclerotherapy and can be used by practitioners in an attempt to invoke the body’s natural inflammatory response. This in turn promotes new collagen growth and improves joint stability or muscle regeneration.

Hair Tissue mineral analysis

Hair Tissue mineral analysis

Hair Tissue mineral analysis (HTMA) is a test that analyzes the mineral content and heavy metals in hair. After you cut the hair from yourself or pet, then it’s “prepared in a licensed clinical laboratory through a series of chemical and high-temperature digestive procedures. Testing is then performed using highly sophisticated detection equipment and methods to achieve the most accurate and precise results.”


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