Pranic Energy Healing
Pranic Healing is a system of no-touch energy healing. It’s foundations are based on the principle that the body is a self-repairing entity with the ability to heal itself. That Pranic healing merely accelerates this process by using natural elements from the sun, air and ground to address imbalances in the body whether they are physical & emotionally based.
Masters of this dynamic healing modality believe that “Prana” or Life Energy is all around us. That we are actually in an ocean of Life Energy. The practitioner of this art assists the patient in drawing in Pranic Energy for the purpose of correcting imbalances in the bodies energy field.
Physical contact is not necessary because the practitioner is working on the bodies energy field and not directly on the patients body. At the core of this modality is the idea that the body and the bodies energy are separate and the healing that takes place on the bodies energy field itself. Not the actual patients body.
Once the new energy is absorbed by the energetic body it is then distributed to the physical body. Muscles, glands and organs can all benefit from these sessions isolating energetic disruptions in the aura so they can be detected before manifesting as problems in the physical body. Or reversing the process of already manifested disruptions. The Pranic energy practitioner can further guide this healing energy to assist the patients with emotional issues and stress.
![Absent Healing](
Absent Healing
Absent healing is a modality which focuses on our energy force and how it can be directed to the benefit of others. For example a large group of people can act as a master mind and send healing energy to one person or a number of people in another location through the power of their thoughts and spiritual essence.