Spiritual healing, Channeling, intuitive healing, medical intuitive, metaphysician

Spiritual Healing

Spiritual Healing

The spiritual healing practitioner acts as an enabler, assisting patients in opening themselves up to the healing power of the creative forces that exist in the universe.

Underpinning this ancient modality is the idea that since our universe is made up of energy, opening up these channels of energy in a conscious way can bring healing on the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels.

Since there are no regulated techniques or best practice policies for this modality practitioner’s assessments and treatment regimes vary vastly but have one central theme which is that the patient opens up their mind body and spirit and surrenders to the divine.



Channeling is also widely known as mediumship or the employment of a spiritual medium for the purpose of communication between the living world and the spirit world.

Mediums are said to be able to communicate with the dead by entering a trance during a séance. This is a formal gathering of the parties that wish to communicate with those beyond the grave.

This is an age-old practice associated with several religious-belief systems and some New Age groups.

Intuitive Healing

Intuitive Healing

Intuitive healing is another healing modality founded in the idea that imbalances in the energy our energy system cause blocks and the vital life force energy that flows through our body is restricted. It is this restriction that causes illness or malady.

The specific technique associated with this practitioner assisted healing modality is the use of the five senses to isolate and these energy imbalances. Intuitive healing draws on a wide variety of other healing modalities and protocols and treatment regimes are also wide-ranging depending on the needs of the patient.

Medical Intuitive

Medical intuitive can pinpoint and diagnose a range of imbalances in the body for the purpose of treating illness or malady. This includes emotional, chemical, neurological, physical, or psychological. The intuitive practitioner can also see karmic traumas and blockages that affect the organs and soft tissue throughout the body.

Some medical intuitive can visualize these imbalances in the form of anatomical and physiological charts which allow them to pinpoint immunological factors and other sources or triggers of illness and malady. Once these areas have been clearly identified and a protocol for correcting these imbalances has been established the MI practitioner encourages participation in the process and inspires patients to empowered self-healing.



The metaphysician in a medicinal modality; is a person who explores questions about cause and effect, how health conditions and symptoms related to each other. The practitioner is versed in questions about the fundamental structure of things, illness, and its properties, nature, and dynamics of the universe. Viewing the individual, society, and humanity in general as an organic entity with its own anatomy and physiology.

The medicinal metaphysician is different from the philosopher who studies metaphysics which is a study of the nature of existence and all aspects relating to this question. However, both practitioners draw from the same pool of ideas and questions about the cosmos, humanity, and its mysterious and unexplainable magic like qualities.


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