Chinese Medicine
At the core of Chinese Medicine achieving balance is the goal. Yin and Yang, every living thing is sustained by a balance of two opposing forces of energy, called Yin and Yang. It is the combination of these elements that create the life essence, or energy that flows through the body. When the balance of Yin and Yang is out of sync in the body blockages occur which have a detrimental affect on health.
Chinese Herbalist
Chinese Herbal Medicine CHM is a multi disciplinary healing modality that combines traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture, massage dietary advice and exercise. CHM Like Ayurveda is multi discipline, holistic view to health and is very different from current Western ideas about health. One example is the idea that Chinese herbs are prescribed to normalise imbalanced energy as opposed to the Western idea of correcting or reversing symptoms. Traditionally CHM is used in the treatment of a range of disorders, particularly gynaecological and gastrointestinal.
Chinese Bodywork
Chinese Bodywork Therapy uses the tradition of Chinese medical theory . The central idea is that the flow of Qi through the meridians is the bodies natural therapeutic orientation.
To achieve this flow Chinese body work focuses on two main therapeutic techniques 1 st the use of hand techniques to massage the soft tissue (muscles and tendons) of the body. (Bowen therapy works on a similar principle.) 2 nd the realignment of the musculoskeletal system and ligaments. 3 rd the use of externally applied herbal poultices, compresses or liniments and salves.
Practitioners combine body manipulation techniques, massage and herbal remedies as the main tools for establishing the desired effect of a more harmonious flow of Qi through the system.
Massage Chinese
Chinese Massage is often performed by practitioners of Chinese medicine. The combination of these healing modalities is considered to be extremely effective.
Massage Tui Na
In the Chinese language Tui Na means pinch and pull is a branch of Chinese medicine. Tui na is a complimentary medicine that combines meridian energy work, acupuncture and massage for
the specific intent of correcting patterns of disharmony.