Deacidification is not that easy. Because if the acids are already inside the cell, the cell is often no longer able to expel them. The acids therefore remain in the cell – no matter which deacidification method is used. The cell is literally blocked, and deacidification, but also detoxification, becomes difficult. Because inside the cell there are not only acids but also toxins (e.g., heavy metals).
What is Hydroxypathy?
In Hydroxypathy, compounds of hydrogen ions, oxygen ions and their possible hydroxide ions are used or initiated to positively influence the pH value. This is done by strengthening the buffer systems in the blood and in the cells as well as the intercellular spaces. In this context, an alkaline concentrate negatively charged hydroxide ions in the cells [OH]- which in the cells are connected to the Producing H-ions: this creates neutral water. Simultaneously the cell is negatively polarized again, ion channels in the cells can again absorb positively charged ions such as magnesium. In a sense, the pores of the cell are open again and Waste products can be transported out. Simply put, in Hydroxypathy, an alkaline concentrate is used to try to get rid of the cell blockage so that detoxification and deacidification can happen again.
Deacidification with a base concentrate
When you deacidify, you want to remove as many of the acids and toxins stored in the body as possible. And when you detoxify, you want to get rid of various types of poisons, such as heavy metals.
There are various options available. Most of them don’t work because the cells are blocked and can’t release all the toxins. And so you often wonder why you deacidify and detoxify and deacidify and detoxify again, but you just don’t feel any better.
Certain alkaline active water concentrates – also known as base concentrates – can influence the cells in such a way that their ion channels open again, and only then can acids, waste products, and poisons flow out of the cell. Deacidification with base concentrates is therefore the only method that can lead to therapeutic success in cases of over-acidification of the cell interior (intracellular over-acidification).
Likewise, this type of deacidification is the very first step that should precede any detoxification. Because intracellular deacidification with base concentrates makes the subsequent detoxification possible in the first place.
Alkaline nutrition alone does not deacidify
Many people believe that a suitable alkaline diet alone is very effective at deacidifying and detoxifying. But that is only the case if intracellular overacidification has not yet occurred. However, if not only the environment of the cells (extracellular overacidification) but also the inside of the cells is overacidified (intracellular overacidification), then there is a cell blockage, also known as acid buildup.
In this case, it is no longer possible to deacidify with an alkaline diet alone – at least not within a reasonable period of time. Even the usual mineral supplements for deacidification no longer have any effect.
Of course, an alkaline diet and mineral supplements are important for maintaining health. But once health has been lost, these simple measures alone are no longer enough to bring the body back into balance.
Minerals no longer reach an over-acidified cell
The acid build-up mentioned above means that the cell’s metabolism only functions to a limited extent. Metabolism means that the cell absorbs nutrients and expels waste products (including toxins and acids). If the metabolism works smoothly, the cell is clean, efficient and healthy.
Metabolism takes place via the cell membrane. This contains the ion channels mentioned above. The vital minerals enter the cell via these channels.
Minerals consist of positively charged ions. In order for them to pass through the ion channels, the cell must be negatively charged. Otherwise, the two repel each other (like a magnet) and the cell never gets the minerals it urgently needs – neither the minerals from food nor the minerals that most deacidifiers or alkaline preparations are made of.
In the best case scenario, the minerals are then excreted in the urine without having achieved anything, but in an over-acidic environment they can also accumulate in the organism in the form of deposits or stones.
Healthy cells are negative – sick cells are positive
How does the healthy negative charge of the cell come about? The cell is only healthy and negatively charged if it contains an excess of negatively charged OH– ions (hydroxide ions).
Nowadays, however, cells are often over-acidified. They are then positively charged due to an excess of positively charged H+ ions (hydrogen ions) and are therefore unable to absorb minerals.
In positively charged cells, metabolism is limited. This leads to a lack of vital substances and nutrients and at the same time to an accumulation of waste products, acids and poisons inside the cell.
In addition, the incorrect membrane charge of the cell means that the cells can no longer communicate with each other and cell communication no longer works. As a result, important information cannot be passed on and perceptions are not recorded. Even homeopathic remedies can lose their effect under these circumstances.
Positive charge leads to chronic pain
This situation soon leads to chronic inflammation, organ damage and diseases of all kinds. Yes, it can be assumed that at least 95 percent of all diseases (especially chronic diseases) can be traced back to intracellular overacidification.
The nerves, for example, react to positive cell voltages with pain. If the situation were reversed and the cells were supplied with negative voltage again, the pain would also go away.
How does the pathological positive charge of the cell come about? How does the excess of H+ ions and thus intracellular acidification come about?
Causes of Hyperacidity
Acids are nothing special for the organism. They enter the body every day with food and are constantly being created in the course of metabolism. Since an excess of acid (just like an excess of base) is dangerous, and even fatal at a certain dose, the body has the ability to neutralize acids with its own alkaline buffer solutions.
In this way, it independently maintains a healthy balance between acids and bases – whether in the blood, in the connective tissue or in the organs. This is then referred to as a balanced acid-base balance.
However, the acid-base balance can be disturbed and lose its equilibrium due to various – long-known – influences. Overacidification occurs, for example, due to:
- Incorrect diet – too many acid-forming foods such as sugar, dairy and meat products and products with artificial food additives
- Stimulants such as alcohol, nicotine and sweets
- Electrosmog, traffic smog, constant medication intake, radiation exposure (mobile phones)
- Psychological stress due to trouble at work, in the family, etc.
These factors usually also produce large amounts of free radicals, which weaken the body’s immune system, promote chronic inflammation and contribute to a flood of positively charged H+ ions. These then enter the cell interior through the ion channels, acidify the cell and change its charge.
Hydroxypathy – The way out of intracellular acidification
When it comes to giving the sick, over-acidified and positively charged cell a healthy negative charge again, the term hydroxypathy is often used. It consists of three parts:
- Hydro from Hydrogenium (= hydrogen (H+ ions))
- Oxy from Oxygenium (= oxygen)
- hydroxide (= OH– ions)
- pathy (= disease-causing)
Hydroxypathy describes the pathogenic influences of hydrogen, oxygen and their compounds – the hydroxide ions – on the human organism.
However, since substances that can make you sick can also heal you – it all depends on the dose – hydroxypathy is also understood as a way to diagnose pathological changes in cell metabolism and also to treat them through the correct use of hydroxy ions.
Diagnosis: Base concentrates indicate the degree of your overacidification!
Hydroxypathy therefore means diagnosis and therapy at the same time. Diagnosis because the alkaline concentrate used seems to taste different to each person. From the individual taste sensation, one can then determine which organs are particularly affected by the intracellular over-acidification.
- If you take the alkaline concentrate and it tastes neutral or slightly salty to you , then you obviously do not have any organ damage caused by over-acidification.
- If the alkaline concentrate tastes noticeably salty to you, then your connective tissue and muscles are particularly affected by over-acidification. The alkaline concentrate removes H+ ions from the acids in the mouth. This creates water and salt. You then taste the latter. The fewer salts you taste, the fewer acids are dissolved and the lower your acid load.
- A bitter or metallic taste indicates an over-acidic kidney.
- A fishy taste indicates an acid-damaged liver.
- If your gallbladder is affected, the base concentrate may taste sulfurous (like rotten eggs) .
- If your pancreas is affected, you may find the alkaline concentrate to taste sweet .
- If you suffer from problems with the digestive system, stomach and mucous membranes, the alkaline concentrate often tastes sour or reminiscent of chlorine .
- If you feel the alkaline concentrate as sharp and almost burning , then there is something wrong with your cardiovascular system.
The more intensely you notice the unusual taste, the greater your acid load and the weaker the self-regulation ability of your cells. However, the intensity of the taste weakens as you continue to take the alkaline supplements, because the excess acid is naturally gradually broken down.
Note : However, alkaline concentrates with a pH value of 10 to 11 were used in the past. These pH values are now considered too high for health reasons, which is why concentrates with a maximum pH value of 9.5 are recommended, but this may mean that the taste test described above does not work for everyone. Since the majority of the healthy human body (blood and cells) has a pH value of around 7, a pH value of 9.5 is strongly alkaline (500,000 times more alkaline than pH 7) and is completely sufficient for successful deacidification.
Therapy: Base concentrates ensure deacidification and negative charge of the cells
Base concentrates should have a high pH value. Ideally a pH value of 9.5 (after diluting the concentrate 10 times shortly before consumption). Base concentrates consist of a high proportion of OH– ions and supply the cells with the necessary negative charge. The OH– ions migrate into the over-acidified cells and combine there with the acidic H+ ions. Neutral Water (H2O) is formed from the excess H+ ions. At the same time, an excess of OH– ions is formed, which again creates a negatively charged and deacidified cell.
Base concentrates open the ion channels, free them up and in this way activate the metabolism. The concentrates can therefore be used for all chronic and inflammatory diseases. This is because the ion channels often do not function properly or are even blocked by the medication taken specifically for the disease in question.
Base concentrates are also very powerful antioxidants (radical scavengers) because they have 100,000 times more free electrons than neutral water.
Possible uses of base concentrates
Therapy with alkaline concentrates is of course not a cure-all. However, it is what allows other therapies to take effect. Deacidification with alkaline concentrates should therefore be used before or in addition to any other therapy.
For all complaints
Since therapy with alkaline concentrates basically does nothing other than bring the body back into its healthy balance and give it back its self-regulation abilities, it is indicated for all complaints that indicate a lack of self-healing power of the organism.
Chronic pain
As mentioned above, chronic pain is alleviated after deacidification with alkaline concentrates. The negative cell charge prevents overstimulation of the nerves. As a result, no pain message is sent to the brain. Possible applications include chronic back pain, osteoarthritis , arthritis, rheumatism and fibromyalgia.
Calcified shoulder
The calcified shoulder is also associated with severe and often chronic pain. Calcium deposits have formed on the tendons of the shoulder muscles. Since there is evidence of local hyperacidity in the surrounding tissue, deacidifying measures are also useful for the calcified shoulder. Of course, the removal of the deposits caused by a calcified shoulder should be supported by other means.
The administration of base concentrates is also useful in osteoporosis, as it reduces the activity of osteoclasts (bone-degrading cells).
Digestive problems – irritable bowel syndrome and intolerances
Functional disorders of the digestive system, including irritable bowel syndrome or food intolerances, are often the result of positively charged and over-acidified cells, so that fundamental deacidification is also necessary here.
Of course, cancer is also a sign that the body’s own balance is disturbed. Base concentrates can reduce the lactic acid content of the tissue. The consequences are better energy production and utilization, a slowing of cancer cell division and a prevention of metastasis formation.
Performance improvement in sports
In endurance athletes, the change in cell charge and intracellular deacidification lead to an increase in performance, as overacidification of the muscles is prevented.
Detoxification with alkaline concentrates
Before any planned detoxification and heavy metal elimination, you can first carry out a deacidification, which also promotes the detoxification of the cell, since otherwise – according to the theory of hydroxypathy – only the extracellular area is detoxified (the space outside the cells), but not the cell itself. Alkaline concentrates enable the cell to detoxify in the first place. They open the ion channels and the cell can get rid of the harmful toxins and heavy metals.
Base Concentrates – The Application
The intake of the base concentrates depends on the symptoms or the therapy prescribed by the doctor/alternative practitioner and on the pH value of the concentrate:
- From the Base Concentrate take 275 ml of the diluted base concentrate once a day by mixing the concentrate with 250 ml of water (use however much you need to achieve a PH of 9.5)
- The diluted concentrate is taken at least 20 minutes before breakfast. If you want to take it twice a day, the second dose is before dinner, although only one dose per day is generally recommended.
- The base concentrates should always be taken on an empty stomach, otherwise digestive problems could occur.
- The diluted base concentrate is not kept in the mouth, but swallowed after a maximum of 2 seconds.
- The base concentrates can be used as a cure – e.g. for 4 weeks. We advise against long-term use, as the organism is better off maintaining its healthy balance with a healthy lifestyle and diet.
- For long-term prophylactic use, take the above-mentioned amount (25 ml of the concentrate in 250 ml of water) 2 times a week but only once a day.
- As part of hydroxypathy, the base concentrate (with 250 ml of water) can be taken up to 5 times a day when taken therapeutically (as a course of treatment and under the supervision of a naturopath or doctor). It is also recommended to take 25 ml (with 250 ml of water) before training or before a competition to prevent a drop in performance during sport.
Recommendation : Always take the alkaline concentrates in the dose that is comfortable for you and avoid the development of side effects by always adjusting the dose to how you feel. It is therefore better to start with only half the dose and increase the dose if necessary and only slowly to the maximum dose recommended by the manufacturer or your therapist. Otherwise, you may deacidify too quickly, which can lead to discomfort.
Base Concentrates – Possible Side Effects
Side effects of the base concentrates only occur in connection with incorrect intake or as an indication of strong detoxification (headaches, dizziness, skin rashes, diarrhea, etc.).
If you do not take the base concentrates on an empty stomach as recommended, but with or after meals, digestive problems may occur.
A possible burning sensation in the throat area, however, can be attributed to the acid load on the oral mucosa described above, and therefore depends entirely on the degree of over-acidification and subsides in the course of deacidification.
Water retention can also occur in cases of severe hyperacidity, as the acids accumulated in the cells are converted into water during the deacidification process and, depending on the state of health, the water cannot always be excreted as quickly as it is produced. Lymphatic drainage may be necessary to speed up the excretion of water.
The elimination of toxins, poisons and acids can lead to an overload of the excretory organs (intestine, kidneys) and can always manifest itself through skin symptoms (rashes and/or itching), since in this case the dissolved toxins are eliminated through the skin.
It is therefore highly recommended to take adsorbing mineral clays such as bentonite or zeolite during deacidification with alkaline concentrates . Both absorb large amounts of the released toxins and waste products so that they can be easily excreted via the intestines.
The acid-base test before any alkaline therapy
If you would like to test your acidity level before deacidification (alkaline therapy), you can do this with an acid-base test.