Headaches, joint complaints, osteoporosis, bad breath, and many other complaints are often attributed to chronic hyperacidity in naturopathy. With the help of alkaline therapy, you can reverse hyperacidity and thus stop, alleviate, or heal many symptoms.
Alkaline therapy for these complaints
Alkaline therapy is carried out in particular if there are chronic complaints that could indicate chronic hyperacidity. These may include the following:
- Joint complaints (rheumatism, gout, arthrosis and non-specific joint pain)
- Muscle and nerve pain
- Chronic tiredness and exhaustion
- Chronic headaches
- Concentration disorders
- Osteoporosis
- Caries
- Halitosis
- Hair loss
- Stomach problems, including heartburn
However, alkaline therapy can also be carried out for prevention, i.e. to prevent diseases from occurring in the first place. Alkaline therapy is also suitable for detoxification, for example, before a planned pregnancy. And, of course, if the acid-base test presented in the next section indicates hyperacidity.
Hyperacidity: the definition
Chronic latent acidity should not be confused with acute acidity. Acute hyperacidity of the blood is often a case for the intensive care unit and can occur, for example, in the context of diabetes or heart disease.
Although base therapy is used here, the bases are usually administered intravenously in this case to raise the blood’s pH value back to healthy ranges as quickly as possible. This alkaline therapy cannot, therefore, be carried out at home and is not the subject of this article.
Latent hyperacidity of the tissue, on the other hand—and that’s what we’re talking about here – is a chronic condition that develops over years and decades and leads to a slow decline in vitality and well-being and ultimately to chronic diseases.
The causes of acidity
The cause of chronic acidity can be found in the modern diet and lifestyle, which provides too many acids (unhealthy diet and drinks, taking medication) and at the same time offers the body too few opportunities to eliminate acid (too little exercise, incorrect breathing techniques, too few vital substances and minerals, too little water, etc.).
The acid-base test
Now, of course, some complaints can also have other causes, although in most cases, hyperacidity is at least a contributing cause. In case of doubt, however, you should do a test before an alkaline therapy in order to know exactly whether alkaline therapy makes sense at all or whether it may not be necessary at all. You can take this test at your own home. So you don’t have to see a doctor.
A large part of the population is massively acidified
Normally, it is advisable to counteract the existing over-acidification with an alkaline and alkaline-excess diet. For higher acidic levels the help of some alkaline agents is recommended and for highly acidic individuals an alkaline infusion with potassium should be considered.
The results of these measurement confirm what naturopathic therapists repeatedly point out: a large part of the population is chronically over-acidified – and not just a little bit, but massively, so much so that there is a clear need for therapy.
If your alternative practitioner can perform an iris diagnosis, this can also indicate hyperacidity. If hyperacidity is present, light shades in the iris can appear in the eye, for example.
Alkaline therapy for positive test
If there is clear evidence of hyperacidity, you can tackle the problem with targeted alkaline therapy. There are, of course, many forms of alkaline therapy. Choose the one that best suits you and your everyday life.
1. Nutrition during alkaline therapy
The alkaline or alkaline-excess diet is almost the most important component of alkaline therapy. Because with these two forms of nutrition alone, the organism can reach a state of deacidification.
In the first 7 to 10 days you eat a purely alkaline diet, then you eat a diet that contains more alkaline foods. You can find all the information you need about alkaline and alkaline nutrition here.
With a purely alkaline diet, you only eat vegetables, salads, fruit, potatoes and sprouts (and some fat). With an alkaline diet, you can also include nuts, seeds, legumes, soy products and whole grain products in your diet.
The alkaline and alkaline-excess diet no longer supplies harmful acids, so that the body is initially relieved. At the same time, both diets provide:
- Alkaline minerals to bind and compensate the acids,
- Bitter substances that stimulate the body’s own alkaline production and
- Vital substances to promote the body’s own detoxification.
Here you will find alkaline recipes that you can enjoy during alkaline therapy.
Eating purely alkaline: combining alkaline therapy with alkaline fasting
As an alternative, a pure alkaline fast is also possible. With alkaline fasting, you do not practice an alkaline diet, but rather a purely alkaline juice diet with only vegetable juices which can contain some fruit, as well as potato juice.
2. Drinks during alkaline therapy
Of course, you also need to drink enough fluids during alkaline therapy. The more you drink, the easier and faster the acids can leave your body.
You can drink mineral water (still or carbonated ) or filtered tap water, as well as a cup of alkaline tea two to three times a day. The total amount of these two drinks (water and tea) should be about 1.5 to 2 liters per day or – if you prefer something more individual – 30 ml per kilogram of body weight.
The alkaline and alkaline-rich diet alone provides plenty of fluids thanks to the high proportion of vegetables and fruit. Therefore, 1.5 to 2 liters a day in the form of water and tea is sufficient. A corresponding juice cure is also recommended.
3. The right alkaline remedy during alkaline therapy
This point is often of particular interest, as there are many alkaline products on the market and choosing the right product is not easy.
Hydrogen carbonates
Pure sodium hydrogen carbonate, also known as baking soda is particularly inexpensive and therefore popular. Baking soda first deacidifies the stomach, i.e. neutralizes the stomach acid (partially, depending on the dose), which can lead to digestive problems in sensitive people (feeling of fullness, belching, etc.).
The stomach will now produce new stomach acid – and since the body’s own sodium bicarbonate is always produced at the same time as the stomach acid is produced, the tissue can be deacidified in this way. The basic sodium bicarbonate does not stay in the stomach (which is supposed to be acidic), but is passed into the bloodstream and from there distributed in the tissue.
Pure carbonates from magnesium and calcium carbonate
Like hydrogen carbonates, carbonates (magnesium carbonate and calcium carbonate) also neutralize stomach acid, thus deacidifying it via the stomach (but more mildly) and at the same time providing valuable minerals.
People who suffer from heartburn usually feel significantly better immediately with carbonates.
Pure base citrates
Base citrates, on the other hand, deacidify the tissue directly, thus bypassing the gastrointestinal tract. However, citrates can also cause discomfort if they are taken in high doses and on an empty stomach.
A pure citrate powder that does not contain any harmful additives and also contains vitamin D3 is ideal.
Mixed preparations of carbonates and citrates
Some commercially available deacidification products consist of a mixture of various basic mineral compounds (e.g. magnesium citrate, potassium citrate, calcium citrate, magnesium carbonate, calcium carbonate, etc.) and vitamins.
However, you can often find unnecessary and dubious additives, such as various sweeteners and – in the case of some alkaline tablets – titanium dioxide, which is probably carcinogenic. Pay attention to this when buying!
Trace elements such as zinc and iron are often added. This sounds positive, but it can lead to an oversupply if someone is already taking zinc or iron through another dietary supplement or does not have any additional needs in this regard.
If you are already taking nutritional supplements, you should check the alkaline products in question for the amounts of minerals and trace elements they contain in order to avoid an oversupply from the alkaline product.
In addition to alkaline minerals, iron, zinc and many other trace elements, alkaline products can also contain vitamin D3 – however, the amount of vitamin D is usually so minimal (e.g. 100 to 200 IU) that one wonders why it was added at all.
This tiny amount hardly helps to maintain a healthy vitamin D level, and certainly not in the case of a vitamin D deficiency. The daily vitamin D requirement of an adult is now estimated at several thousand IU.
Base concentrates
Another option for deacidification is alkaline concentrates, which are also recommended if previous deacidification measures have not had the desired success.
In such cases, naturopathy often speaks of a so-called acid build-up. This means a kind of blockage of the cells due to years of over-acidification. Then the cells can no longer deacidify and purify so easily.
Cell metabolism no longer functions smoothly. This means that nutrients can no longer be absorbed as well, including bases. At the same time, acids and other metabolic waste products can no longer be eliminated as well.
From a naturopathic perspective, the cell must now be freed from its acid build-up. This can be achieved with alkaline concentrates that raise the PH of water to 10. (It is best to take the alkaline concentrates as a course of treatment – meaning for one month only, and preferably BEFORE you take an alkaline remedy based on carbonate, hydrogen carbonate and/or citrate).
Alkaline therapy: Possible further measures
In principle, alkaline therapy can be supplemented with other preparations that support and promote deacidification, for example with the following preparations:
Bitter substances
To stimulate the body’s own production of bases, allow the bitter substances to act in the mouth for as long as possible before swallowing.
Mineral earths
Healing clays such as bentonite or zeolite – to bind acids and toxins in the intestine
Alkaline baths
They are taken to support stress management, which in itself has a deacidifying effect and to remove any acid through the skin.
Natural alkaline minerals, such as Sango sea coral, can optimize the calcium and magnesium supply. Of course, you can also integrate completely different mineral preparations into your alkaline therapy, depending on your needs, for example those that also contain potassium, iron, zinc and other trace elements such as iodine and selenium.
Cell protection and cell nutrition
Antioxidants such as astaxanthin can be taken to protect the cells. Microalgae such as spirulina or chlorella can be used as natural cell nutrition.
Natural organic alkaline powders
Alkaline powders, like Barley Green, to increase the alkaline potential of meals – the powders are simply sprinkled over meals and taste very good.
Alkaline body care
It is used to avoid acid exposure via conventional cosmetics. Alkaline body care products are suitable, e.g. an alkaline deodorant, an alkaline shampoo, an alkaline body lotion, an alkaline facial skin care product, etc.
Dry brush massage
It promotes blood circulation in the skin, accelerates lymph flow and thus the elimination of acids via the intestines and kidneys.
Alkaline Therapy – The Duration
Alkaline therapy is usually carried out over a period of four weeks. However, always pay attention to how you are feeling and what your body is signaling. If symptoms appear that indicate a detoxification crisis (diarrhea, headaches, nausea, etc.), simply take a break or reduce the dose of alkaline preparations until you feel better again. Then you can stay at the low dose that was still working for you, or slowly increase the dose again.
Alkaline therapy during pregnancy and breastfeeding
Alkaline therapy is a form of detoxification. Ideally, this should be done BEFORE a planned pregnancy.
Alkaline therapy for illness
Alkaline therapy is an excellent way of preventing illness and can be carried out once or twice a year, depending on your lifestyle and diet. However, if you already suffer from a chronic illness and/or are already taking medication, please discuss alkaline therapy with your doctor or alternative practitioner.
Especially if you are incorporating bentonite or zeolite into your alkaline therapy, you must ensure that you take the mineral clays at least 3 hours apart from your medication. Otherwise, the mineral clays would also “detoxify” your medications and thus render them ineffective.
*Here you can find zeolite powder