Dry Brush Massage is an effective technique that promotes the excretion of harmful substances through the skin. As the body’s largest organ and one of the excretory organs, the skin plays a crucial role in eliminating acids and toxins through skin respiration. By incorporating a regular dry brush massage into your routine, you can greatly enhance the excretion process of these harmful substances.
Brush massages help the skin
In addition, brushing the skin supports its self-regulation, so that even skin that is out of balance can regenerate.
Chemical skin care products harm the skin
Due to the many chemical skin “care” products that most people use on a daily basis, the skin has often lost its ability to eliminate acids and toxins.
Not only the chemical substances, which lie on the skin like a film, prevent acid and toxin excretion, but also the dead skin cells, which cannot be removed quickly enough, contribute greatly to this.
That is why it is so important to support the body in its deacidification and detoxification through regular brushing.
Dry brushing causes the pores of the skin to open, resulting in significantly better blood circulation. Soon after the massage, the body is pleasantly warmed and the skin becomes wonderfully soft and supple.
Activate the lymphatic system with a brush massage
The rapid removal of acids and toxins through regular brush massages is particularly important if there are already health disorders that are associated with an overload of the excretory organs. Since the lymphatic system is also activated by brushing, the pollutants can be transported even faster and excreted accordingly.
Unlike blood, which is constantly kept flowing by the pumping heart, the lymphatic system lacks such a pump. Therefore, the lymph relies on other factors, such as exercise and massages.
In addition to activating the lymphatic system, dry brush massage also has a very beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. The entire nervous system is also stimulated by brushing.
How to brush the skin with the dry brush
If you also want to benefit from the high health benefits of a dry massage, brush your skin carefully before each shower or bath – of course avoiding injured skin areas (inflammation, rashes, etc.). You should also treat the face exclusively with a special face brush.
Brush the skin with long strokes and light pressure as follows:
- Start at the outer right foot and brush towards the torso, then continue on the inner right foot.
- Circular movements can also be made on the thighs and buttocks.
- Then switch to the left leg.
- Now it’s the turn of the arms: they start at the back of the right hand and brush over the outside of the arm up to the shoulder and then inside again in the same direction.
- Switch to the left arm and proceed in the same way.
- In the area of the abdomen and chest, the strokes should be circular.
Since dry brush massage has a stimulating effect, it makes sense to do it in the morning. Used in the evening, it can lead to difficulty falling asleep. You can achieve an optimal refreshing effect if you take a cold shower after the brush massage.
The optimal brush massage can be achieved with the monastery brush
A very special brush at the bottom of the dry brushes is the monastery brush. Already in the Middle Ages, the monks and nuns knew about their miraculous, energizing effect. This effect is due to the special copper alloy of the bristles.
They produce a tiny current when rubbed, which instantly relaxes the brushed areas and revitalizes the body as a whole. With the monastery brush you can achieve an incomparably refreshing, invigorating brush massage.