Refined fruit soup with berries and cherries for everyone who has little time to cook but who wants to eat healthily, stay slim and lose weight.
Step 1
Wash fresh berries, remove chalice leaves,
wash cherries, remove stems and seeds, or make frozen berries and cherries thaw.
Step 2
Peel ginger, cut into small pieces and heat with the berries, cherries, elderberry juice and grape juice, but do not let it boil.
Puree the soup and serve with the ice cream. Sprinkle with cinnamon.
Extra tip:
Serve the cold soup with snow dumplings:
Step 3
Beat the egg whites stiffly, gradually adding the sugar and lemon juice. Bring little water to the boil in the large saucepan, turn off heat.
Step 4
Remove from the ice cream with two tablespoons of cams and place on the water, which is no longer boiling but still very hot.
Close and let it pull briefly.