Refined turnip coconut cream with peppers and walnut gremolata soup recipe for everyone who has little time to cook but who wants to eat healthily, stay slim and lose weight.
Step 1
Roast the walnuts in a frying pan without fat and leave to cool.
Peel the garlic, finely chop and add to the walnuts.
Rinse the lemon hot, rub the yellow zest very finely and add to the walnut-garlic mixture.
Squeeze out the lemon.
Step 2
Peel the turnips and onions, wash and clean zucchini.
Cut the vegetables into large cubes and steam vigorously in hot oil, add curry powder and quench with the broth.
Season with salt and pepper. Simmer in a closed saucepan for 30 minutes over a low heat.
Step 3
Halve the peppers, wash them, freeing them from seeds and white inner skins and cutting them into small cubes.
Set some of them aside for decoration.
Take some of the vegetables out of the soup.
Puree the soup, cook with the removed vegetables, the pepper cubes and the coconut milk for another 5 minutes.
Step 4
Wash chives, swivel dry and finely chop.
Season soup with salt, pepper, curry powder and little lemon juice.
Serve with the chopped chives, the paprika cubes and the walnut-garlic mixture (Gremolata).